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Diplomacy to Resolve the Water Crisis

Essay Instructions:

You are the leader of a developing nation that is facing a water crisis and need to talk to nearby countries that may be willing to share their water. How would you handle such a task? What is/are the best way(s) to gain support from nearby nations during this crisis?

Write 500 words and include 2 spatial components in your best argument for persuading nearby nations to share their water. (hint: use the spatial components to explain how the countries can/will benefit from sharing their water with your country).

In the end, include a question for the class to responds to. The question should be something you find interesting/would also like to know more about related to the issue you chose.

Spatial components: Social, Economic, Political, Physical/Location, Environmental

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Water Crisis
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Water Crisis
The goal of leadership is to make people feel safe and cared for. Leaders dedicate a large amount of time and energy to making sure their leadership style, organizational culture, and perhaps even their team’s environment are conducive to building strong relationships with the people they serve ((Egbeji, 2019). As a leader, I would outline the various benefits that the other countries would get by sharing their water in an attempt to persuade them to share it. Therefore, how I present the water crisis issue regarding the economic, social, political, location, and environmental benefits would determine whether the other countries are willing to share their water.
The economic benefit is that the countries would get money from the water shared with the other country. Both countries would agree on a price charged on the amount of water spent. The countries could also engage in a barter trade whereby they would exchange water for the resources that the other countries do not have.
The social benefit of the agreement is that the involved countries would have a strong bond, thus allowing them to peacefully engage in other trades. When countries agree to trade a particular item, the chances are high that such agreements would result in more business collaborations. Therefore, sharing water is essential in building a long-lasting friendship between the involved countries. Without social interactions, it would be challenging for the countries to engage in other business activities.
The agreement would also have political benefits for both countries. Water is one of the most valuable resources that a nation can have. Therefo...
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