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Digital Literacy Framework in Remote Working

Essay Instructions:

Develop your report draft into a professional report of at least 2000 words (+/- 10%), that takes into account class peer and tutor feedback, and which demonstrates revision and proofreading, appropriate formatting and presentation
Your final report must include 1-2 images/charts/data (with correct numbering and captions), proper academic referencing in APA format from at least 6 credible academic and/or business sources
Your written report will be assessed based on:
Critical reflection and analysis – 10%
Responsiveness to feedback and demonstrating the principles of revision and proofreading – 10%
Demonstrating the principles of ethics and academic integrity in written business communications – 10%
Clearly communicating information in a form suited to the business context – 10%
teacher suggestions:
This is a good start. Your report is interesting and on a topic of real interest and significance for businesses and managers. However, you need to provide a more visible structure to your report in your Table of Contents (TOC) and your headings. You also need to review your choice of image and how to provide meaningful commentary and captioning for your image. Your document is nicely presented. Your peer review is constructive and will assist you to revise your writing for the final report submission. You should also expand your research to include sources that are more up-to-date. In addition to your peer reviewer’s comments, please also see my detailed comments in your document in Canvas.
you dont need to re-write a report. you main job is to develop the draft. and i will update the draft report, read the comment in the word document. and the highest similarity allow is 25%
think the main job is change the image in draft and give a good chart or data instead

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Peer review by ()


1 Introduction - Does the draft include elements of an engaging or catchy introduction? Does it Introduce the topic and include 1-3 supporting ideas? Is there a sentence that clearly states the report purpose and approach?

* Attractive background
* Interesting industry choice- social media
* But a little bit long
* Clear purpose

2 Definition - Does the draft include a definition/explanation of the chosen topic?

I think it gives us a definition to explain what digital literacy is.

3 Supporting evidence - Are there facts and evidence listed to support the key points? Are 1-2 charts/images/data included? Are citations and references to charts and supporting data provided?

* Provide data to show the importance of digital literacy
* Not very strong relation with the social medial industry
* Use citation references and quotations to support ideas.

4 Logical order - Generally, are ideas in the draft presented in a logical order? Does the conclusion restate the statement of purpose? Does the conclusion recap the 1-3 supporting ideas of the introduction?

* The article follows the logical order.
* Divided the benefits and challenges into individual and organization.
* Friendly to readers
* Not give supporting ideas in conclusion

5 Comment on the strengths, something positive, or something that you like about the draft

* Good writing skills
* Interesting topic
* Suitable vocabulary choice

6 Comment on an area of opportunity or idea yet to be explored, or something to develop further in the draft

* Need a stronger conclusion

7 Comment on something that you don’t understand, or something in the draft that isn’t working

* Feel not very strong relation with social media industry

8 If you had to limit your suggestions to just one, what would it be?

* Improve the conclusion

Digital Literacy and Management in Social Media Industry
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Peer review PAGEREF _Toc84972869 \h 2Introduction PAGEREF _Toc84972870 \h 4Digital Literacy Framework and Remote Working PAGEREF _Toc84972871 \h 4Benefits and Challenges of Digital Literacy Framework PAGEREF _Toc84972872 \h 7Benefits PAGEREF _Toc84972873 \h 7Individuals PAGEREF _Toc84972874 \h 7Organization PAGEREF _Toc84972875 \h 8Challenges PAGEREF _Toc84972876 \h 9Individuals PAGEREF _Toc84972877 \h 9Organization PAGEREF _Toc84972878 \h 10Digital Competencies PAGEREF _Toc84972879 \h 10Significance of Digital Literacy on Management PAGEREF _Toc84972880 \h 11Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc84972881 \h 13References PAGEREF _Toc84972882 \h 13
Technology has ushered in an era of informational society where the efficient flow of information is paramount in the development of an organization. Social media are such technologies whose interactive capabilities have changed the means by which individuals, create or share information. Digital skills are a necessity comprising cognitive and technical abilities that an individual can use to find, create, evaluate, and communicate information. The skills come in the form of digital competencies. This form of literacy allows individuals to interact with data in various states of operationalization. Consequently, numerous opportunities are presented by digital environments in disciplines such as management and education. This report is an analysis of the role of digital literacy in the future of management in the social media industry.
Digital Literacy Framework in Remote Working CITATION Mar18 \l 1033 (Marsh, 2018)
Work is changing with the improvement in the efficiency of word processing, instantaneous data retrieval, and information storage technologies. The digital literacy framework provides a detailed assessment of the aspects of improving remote working. The four components of digital workplace usage, developing networks and connections, process application and adaptation to the digital media environment, are critical to establishing sustainability in digital transformation in the social media industry (March, 2018). Through remote working, the aspects shown can be incorporated at the workplace to enhance the management and operations of the business entity. Computers have infiltrated the business environment and are rapidly dictating the operational structures of companies.
Technology has solidified itself as a tool for competitive advantage; therefore, a failure in the systems can cause management vulnerabilities in a company. The use of a digital workplace enhances an elaborate and conducive environment that supports innovation and the adoption of ideal digital solutions in the social media industry. Digital literacy brings about the networking component and enables connection with people, workmates, and other business organizations (Marsh, 2018). The application and adaptation of digital resources through remote working practice are vital in attaining sustainable management and efficiency in business operations.
Remote working is a new phenomenon that the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated. It involves the flexibility of individuals working anywhere else than a central place of work like an office. The curfews enforced by governments forced companies to reduce the number of staff in the offices (Acquia, 2021). This meant that some team was laid off while others were required to work from home. However, development in technology has ensured individuals can work efficiently from anywhere. Social media companies have seen massive benefits, so much. Hence, managers such as Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter and Square, informed his employees that working from home would be a "forever" situation for the employees. The framework may have related benefits and disadvantages that organizations must consider.
Benefits and Challenges of Digital Literacy Framework
Every framework has its own advantages and disadvantages. The benefits and challenges of the framework are clearly distinguished between individuals and organizations.
* As a manager, technology has improved the management planning process and accuracy (Linton, 2021). The literacy framework can collect, share, and manipulate data, making it ea...
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