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Differences in HR Trends in the U.S.A and Saudi Arabia

Essay Instructions:


This assignment is a comparative analysis of the practices in HR from the perspective of the United States and Saudi Arabia.

Assignment Expectations: Write a 6-8 page comparative essay in APA format including a reference and title page. Make sure to specifically address the following:

What is the difference in HR trends between America and Saudi Arabia?

What is the difference in employment laws between America and Saudi Arabia? Make sure to address how these laws impact how HR departments operate.

What are the differences in social justice initiatives (e.g., women's rights, LGBTQ+ rights, equal pay, racial issues, etc.) in the Saudi Arabia? How do they differ from the social justice initiatives in America?

What are the other differences as they relate to HR between America and Saudi Arabia.

What recommendations do you give practitioners working in Saudi Arabia when working as an expatriate?

Make sure that you have 6-8 written pages because the page count does not include the title or reference pages. Also, be sure that you use at least 10 scholarly references which cannot exceed ten years and five must be within the last three to five years.


Length: 6-8 pages, excluding title and reference pages

Style Format: APA with title and reference pages

References Required: 10 within the last 10 years [five of these sources must be within the last three to five years].

File Format: Microsoft Word Document (.doc or .docx).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Differences in HR Trends in the U.S.A and Saudi Arabia
Human resource is an essential aspect of every organization and, in turn, every economy in the world. It is an entire body with its own rules and regulations upon which every entity should abide. Each country has its own regulations and policies governing its human resource practices. These practices might keep changing with time and with new generations of people. These policies differ from one nation to another and from one region to another. The U.S.A and Saudi Arabia have different practices when it comes to human resources, which help it work in their economic models and systems. A comparative approach to these differences is important in appreciating their practices.
Human Resource Practices
Human resource practices are formulated in every country to enable organizations or firms to manage human capital and workers' behaviours at work since employees' attitude and behaviour toward work determines their performance and the organization's productivity (Schloemer-Jarvis 2022). Although these practices focus on human capital and resource, they differ from country to country due to rules and regulations set aside by the country’s workplace. The following is a comparative analysis of human resource practices in Saudi Arabia and the United States.
Differences in HR Trends in the U.S.A and Saudi Arabia
The world is fast changing, with new technologies and a new generation of the workforce. These individuals have information and are pretty knowledgeable about labor practices. They also have embraced a totally different approach to work compared to the earlier generations. The current trends focus more on output and productivity rather than aspects such as punctuality or dressing. It is what new managers are now also trying to introduce in the workplace, focusing on making it as enjoyable and comfortable as possible. In both countries, there is a difference in human resource trends; in Saudi Arabia, most human resource services are self-service (Haak-Saheem, 2020). Human resource departments ensure that employees have a human resource portal whereby they do all the activities done by human resource officers in the office. While in the United States human resource trend is to ensure that the whole department uses technology to perform its duties since paperwork consumes much time.
The country will achieve that by ensuring the internet is well connected in the offices so that human resource officers can perform their duties efficiently and faster (Shahriari, 2019). Technology has made these officers' work more accessible, and communication between them and employees has been easier and more precise. All other activities also have been made easier for employees to access since they do not have to visit the office to get the services.
Differences in Employment Laws in the U.S.A and Saudi Arabia
These two nations have got quite distinct approaches when it comes to employment laws. It is worth noting that Saudi Arabia is an Islamic state and as a result, most of its laws are enshrined in Islamic law. The U.S., on the other hand doesn't base its employment law upon religion. In Saudi Arabia, there are several employment laws that employers should follow. They include ensuring seventy-five percent of the total workforce should be male. Also, their wages should not be less than fifty-one percent of the total wages of the workforce (Sanders, 2021). Saudi Arabia focuses on the technical skills or educational qualifications to decide on the wages of every employee; in cases where workers have no education or skills, the wage ratio tends to go down. Again the new employment states that employees can leave their job upon completion of the contract without asking for permission from their employer.
While in the United States also, there are several employment laws that employees should follow. These laws protect workers and allow them to work in safe workplaces. They include laws covering wages and work hours, safety and health principles, retirement benefits, and employee contracts (Shayah, 2019). Some of these laws include the Equal Pay Act, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and the Family and Medical Leave Act. The Occupational Safety and Health Act is particularly important because it protects workers at their respective places of work against any harm that might be caused to them. The liability will be upon the employer. Generally, these laws ensure that the human resource department works hand in hand with the employees without mistreatment or misconduct; hence, the employees can perform well if all these laws are followed.
Differences in Social Justice Initiatives in U.S.A and Saudi Arabia
There are differences in social justice initiatives such as women's rights. Saudi Arabia is one of the most closed societies in the world, with very little initially known about its social justice initiatives as well as human rights. Research done in Saudi Arabia shows that recently the percentage of women's workforce has reached thirty percent, and women are allowed to go to work, unlike before (Varshney, 2019). Equal pay is not possible since the male workforce is larger than the female workforce; therefore, the employer comes up with a wage scale according to the type of the job and the skills or qualifications needed.
Racial discrimination is a challenge in the Saudi area due to the diversity in the workforce whereby they employ people from other countries. As people try to adopt the new rules and regulations, especially those non-Muslims, they might break some rules, hence allegations of imprisonment, physical abuse, wage theft, and overwork (Ajina201...
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