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Description of a Managerial Position Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

In a well-crafted essay of no more than 1,200 words, describe a managerial position based on information gathered from the person who currently holds that position—a friend, family member, co-worker, or someone you’ve never met before. The only restriction is that if you are currently employed as a manager, you cannot write about your own position. Consider this assignment as an opportunity to interview someone doing the sort of managerial work you would someday like to be doing yourself.

Lessons 1 to 5 provide the content required to complete this assignment. Lesson 1 provides insight into the kind of managerial position you are describing, its roles, and the functions and outcomes it serves. Lesson 4 covers the internal and external environments that pertain to this position. Finally, Lesson 5 will help you to identify the stakeholders whose interests are most likely to influence the decisions of the person holding this position

Marking Key

Use this summary of the Assignment 1 marking key to ensure you have met all the requirements of this assignment in your description of the managerial position you selected to profile.

Lesson 1: Managerial Functions (10 marks)

Have you assessed the degree to which this manager is involved in

• planning?

• organizing?

• leading?

• controlling?

Have you demonstrated

• awareness of all four of the above managerial functions?

Lesson 1: Kinds of Managers (5 marks)

Have you

• stated the kind of management position this is?

• provided a justification for this classification?

Have you demonstrated

• awareness of all four kinds of managers?

Lesson 1: Managerial Roles (10 marks)

Have you assessed the degree to which this manager plays

• an interpersonal role?

• an informational role?

• a decisional role?

Have you demonstrated

• awareness of all three types of managerial roles (above)?

Lesson 1: Managerial Skills (10 marks)

Have you assessed the degree to which this manager requires

• technical skills?

• human skills?

• conceptual skills?

• motivation to manage?

Have you demonstrated

• awareness of all four types of managerial skills (above)?

Lesson 4: Environmental Assessment (10 marks)

Have you assessed how this manager is affected by

• the complexity of the external environment?

• the resource scarcity of the external environment?

• the uncertainty of the external environment?

Have you demonstrated

• awareness of all three of the environmental characteristics above?

Lesson 4: General Environment (10 marks)

Have you assessed the degree to which this manager needs to monitor

• economic trends?

• technological trends?

• sociocultural trends?

• political/legal trends?

Have you demonstrated

• awareness of all four types of trends in the general environment (above)?

Lesson 4: Specific Environment (10 marks)

Have you assessed the degree to which this manager needs to

• monitor customers?

• monitor competitors?

• monitor suppliers?

• monitor regulatory changes?

• respond to advocacy groups?

Have you demonstrated

• awareness of all five aspects of the specific environment (above)?

Lesson 4: Internal Environment (10 marks)

Regarding organizational culture, have you

• characterized the company’s internal culture (e.g., formal, laid-back, high-pressure, etc.)?

• noted two or more visible elements of the culture that are congruent with the manner in which it was characterized?

• assessed whether the culture is weak or strong?

Lesson 5: Stakeholder Identification (5 marks)

Have you identified one or more

• primary stakeholders to which this organization is responsible?

• secondary stakeholders to which this organization is responsible?

Have you demonstrated

• awareness of both kinds of stakeholders (above)?

Lesson 5: Social Responsibility (10 marks)

Have you discussed this organization’s

• economic responsibility?

• legal responsibility?

• ethical responsibility?

• discretionary responsibility?

Have you demonstrated

• awareness of all four kinds of responsibilities (above)?

Writing Mechanics and Style (10 marks)

Penalties and additional marks may be assessed, based on writing mechanics, style, and quality. Review your work carefully before you submit your assignment for grading.

please read the marking key, if you need any information in the book i could send it to you

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Description of a Managerial Position
Student ID
Manager’s Company: Marymount California University
Management Position: Dean of Students
Dr. Brian holds the position of the dean of students at Marymount California University. The person holding this position has numerous responsibilities and thus should have numerous abilities and skills. Apart from holding a position in which one is responsible for hundreds of students (and especially youths), the position requires that the manager to market the learning institution positively making it a complex position.
Marymount California University is Catholic learning institution that is dedicated to offering quality and value-based education to students of diverse faiths and backgrounds. Through the use of a student-centered approach, the institution promotes development of the whole person. Graduate students are encouraged to lifelong learning and building skills guided by the virtues of commitment to justice, integrity, and respect for human dignity.
Even though the learning institution invites students from diverse ages and backgrounds to pursue leadership and service, the goal of helping them all to reach their goals still remains. This brings in the role of the dean of students who should ensure that students learn in a positive and friendly learning environment. In addition, he has to carry out leading roles as he guides and advises students on careers and learning opportunities. In case of student misconduct, the dean is responsible for the controlling roles as he takes appropriate action whenever students are on the wrong. For instance, the school should be preserved as a place free of illegal drugs and alcohol and thus the dean of students has to communicate relevant policies to all students.
Additionally, the dean of students is responsible for management of student and student issues. This is through administration of student complaints as well as student conduct system. The office of the dean of students is also responsible for student appeals, fines, and processing and issuing student IDs. Lastly, he also carries out organizing roles as he has to organize his time for numerous tasks and also prioritize on student needs to handle the most pressing ones first.
In dealing with numerous student issues, the dean of students has to plan an interpersonal role. It is through his social skills that he encourages students to come to him when in need. Since students expect to get counseling and guidance in careers and other issues, the dean of students plays an informational role. Whenever he is dealing with misconduct issues by students, the dean plays the decisional role as he has to rule over the case appropriately.
To prevent students from giving up in life or making wrong decisi...
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