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Data Integrity

Essay Instructions:

1. You can write about anything database-related except the history of databases.

2. The topic needs to have sufficient scholarly sources published within the last five years. The topic should be highly relevant and specific to databases.

3. In addition to scholarly support, strong Biblical support is essential to your success. The topic must include suitable opportunities for the integration of a Biblical worldview. For example, assure you integrate a Biblical worldview into the management, storage, integrity and security surrounding the storage of personal information. At least one question you could esteem to address is what are the policies, procedures, processes, and standards that are appropriate to ethically and Biblically hold personal property of others? What are we called to do as believers to care for the personal property of others? In other words, provide a justification for the ethical storage of user data.

4. Write a 1-paragraph summary, with at least 250 words, of what you plan to discuss in your paper. Your instructor will read your proposal and either approve it or suggest that you select another topic. If your topic is not approved, you will have 2 calendar days to resubmit a second proposal for full credit. The summary must be written in 12-point Times New Roman font and be double-spaced.

5. The 1-paragraph summary must be in 3rd person narrative. That is, do not include any references to yourself (i.e. I, we, my, mine, ours) or the second person (e.g., you, yours, etc.). Acceptable pronouns are he, she, his, hers, they, them, theirs, etc.

6. Select a topic that will allow you to get at least 7 valid scholarly references for your research paper. Note that websites and articles from websites are not considered scholarly sources. Although your references page will be due in a separate deliverable, you must keep it in mind when selecting your topic.

7. Use the Liberty University Online Writing Center as a resource. The writing center addresses important elements such as where to find scholarly journal articles, proper APA, how resolve grammatical issues, and other elements to assist your research and writing.

Note: Your assignments will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. The tool is a starting point for instructors to check overall Academic Integrity and higher scores generally indicate a higher probability of Academic Misconduct. The higher a score the higher the probability that there are too high a percentage of quotations included in the narrative, and/or there are passages that have not been properly cited.

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Research Paper: Topic Approval Assignment
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Research Paper: Topic Approval Assignment
Data integrity refers to the wholeness and accuracy of stored information. It also refers to the safety and consistency of data concerning regulatory compliance and security. Database integrity is key in preventing business problems revolving around missing or incomplete data. It is maintained by a combination of data standards, rules, and processes executed during the design phase: if data integrity was included as a critical component of database design, then the information stored in the database will remain consistent, complete, and accurate regardless of how often it is accessed and how long it is stored. Data integrity is crucial to database security since it protects stored information from mis-categorization or incorrect storage that would otherwise result in data leaks or losses to outside forces with malicious intent.
However, data integrity should not be confused with security or quality. In contrast, data security refers to the collection of processes, systems, and procedures that prevent unauthorized access or data breaches by malicious entities. Data security is one of the components of data integrity. However, it is not comprehensive enough to include those measures necessary to ensure data remains uncorrupted and whole over time. Data integrity is also not data quality since the latter ensures that the data in a database meets the organization's standards and needs (Yesin et al., 2021). Data quality is also one of the crucial aspects of data integrity since it assesses the age, completeness, accuracy, relevance, and reliability of the information stored in the database. However, data integrity involves more aspects of data quality, including the organization's rules and policies governing how information is entered, transferred, and stored in the datab...
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