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Module 4 SLP assignment. Mini-Mixed Methods Research Study

Essay Instructions:

Module 4 SLP assignment is to write a 3-to-4-page essay in which the following are addressed:

Identify an applicable data analysis technique that will be used to analyze the qualitative data. Include one of the following techniques in the discussion: open and/or axial coding, cross-case analysis, member checking, or other strategy (Refer to Module 4 Homepage and Background literature references for helpful content information.)

Develop a rationale and justification for the data analysis strategy selected. (Present a logical sequence of ideas to explain)

Analyze the qualitative data (be sure to include the two steps below, as well as other procedures as identified within the data analysis strategy):

Code the qualitative data and organize and present it in a Microsoft Excel sheet.

Create a matrix that categorizes the data.

As a culmination of data analysis, identify any patterns and themes that may exist among the data collected. Describe the findings. Do the findings answer the qualitative research question(s)?

Demonstrate understanding of context and purpose of the assignment by bringing all required elements (described above) to the discussion.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For samples of coding and matrices please review:

Qualitative data analysis

Analyzing Qualitative Data

These documents can be accessed through the Presentation Folder.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Merge the Module 4 SLP paper to the Module 1, 2, and 3 SLP papers, and submit to together as a cohesive unit. Follow the APA format and style requirements. Include an APA-formatted reference list. Include an introductory paragraph that states the purpose of the Module 4 SLP assignment.

This assignment MUST BE formatted per APA Sixth Edition guidelines. Be sure to use APA formatted headings to mark the beginning of each module section. This assignment is to reflect an application of scholarly literature and written in a scholarly manner.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mini-Mixed Methods Research Study
Institutional Affiliation
Mini-Mixed Methods Research Study
This section is more about expounding on the research and aligning it with the research methodology. I am also going to describe the data collection techniques that will be used to research the problem and collect information concerning the research questions. Finally, development of the protocols for the semi-structured interview and development of the close-ended questionnaire items
The reviewed Research Question
As noted earlier, it is clear that healthcare institutions have strong financial management and yet how they pay for the equipment they purchase or service is not well known. As a result, the study hoped to cover the following research question: What is the Influence of Financial Management Strategies on the Provision of Services by Healthcare Organizations? To be able to answer this research question effectively, it is essential to know the financial management strategies and the services hospitals offer and how the two are interlinked. In this regard, it is important to look at cases of those hospitals that have sound financial management strategies and how their services are managed. Therefore, the reviewed research question will be The Influence of Financial Management Strategies on the Provision of Services by Healthcare Organizations: A Case Study of Hospitals in Bangladesh.
Data Collection Technique
For this mini-research, the questionnaire technique will be used to collect the data. Specifically, structured questionnaires will be used. According to Verma & Wani (2015), questionnaires refer to research instruments that have several questions meant to collect information from respondents. Structured questionnaires normally contain only close-ended questions. Therefore, the respondents have to tick their answers or answer simply yes or no. Questionnaires are generally cheaper and faster, especially if the respondents return the forms in time. However, it is not easy to tell how sincere the respondents are in answering the questions or if they are indeed the one giving the answers and not someone imposing as them. With structured questionnaires, there is a consistency in the answers given, and this can make it easy to analyze the information and report important findings. Additionally, structured questionnaires would make it easier and faster for the respondents to give their answers because all they have to do is to tick the answer they think is the most appropriate and not have to do any writings. This way, there would be more consistency in their replies, and this would make the answers easier to compare so that the analysis can be consistent too.
Protocols for semi-structured Interview
Semi-structured interviews are often used in qualitative research because they provide the interview protocol structure and make it easy for respondents to ponder on each question and drive the conversation deeper (Castillo-Montoya, 2016). There are normally four phases in the interview protocol. The first is ensuring that the interview questions are in line with the research questions. Through the alignment, it is possible to increase the utility of the interview questions and ensure that they are necessary for the study. It is also important to ensure that the conversation is inquiry-based. This way, it is possible to extract relevant answers from the respondents and meet the aims of the study. The interview protocol must be conversational and be able to extract information from the respondents. The only way one can ensure this is if they receive feedback on the interview protocol. Whenever one has developed their interview protocol, it is essential that they get feedback on them so that they can gauge how well the respondents have understood the interview protocols and whether the understanding is as the researcher expected. This way, it is possible to determine if the replies they have given are reliable enough to answer the research questions and arrive at meaningful conclusions. In general, the important aspects of an interview protocol include the structure, the nature of questions and statements, the length of the interview protocol, and comprehension by the interviewees (Castillo-Montoya, 2016).
The questions to be asked must be thought about thoroughly, including how the participants might respond to the questions. The questions must cover every angle of the problem and leave nothing to chance. The interview questions normally start with the basic probing questions before expanding out to the more probing questions.
Questionnaire Items
1 1466850344805No00No561975344805Yes00YesDo you believe that good financial management is crucial to the overall success of hospitals?
2 257175310515Strongly Disagree DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree00Strongly Disagree DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree(Tick as appropriate) Good financial compensation increases the motivation of hospital staff.
3 171450243840Strongly Disagree DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree00Strongly Disagree DisagreeAgreeStrongly AgreeThe profits generated by the hospital affect the quality of healthcare.
4 171450654050Strongly Disagree DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree00Strongly Disagree DisagreeAgreeStrongly AgreeThe ability of hospitals to finance their investments using debts affect the quality of healthcare.
5 171450638175Strongly Disagree DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree00Strongly Disagree DisagreeAgreeStrongly AgreeThe hospitals that perform the best financially can attract more skilled workers, and this can enhance their performance and lead to better healthcare.
6 219075678180Strongly Disagree DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree00Strongly Disagree DisagreeAgreeStrongly AgreeThe financial leverage of a hospital can affect its ability to perform well and deliver quality care.
7 The asset liquidity of a hospital is an important factor affecting the quality of healthcare.
171450-3175Strongly Disagree DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree00Strongly Disagree DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
8 219075261620Strongly Disagree DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree00Strongly Disagree DisagreeAgreeStrongly AgreeOperating efficiently can determine the quality of care that a hospital gives.
9 200025304800Strongly Disagree DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree00Strongly Disagree DisagreeAgreeStrongly AgreeThe ability to manage costs well affects the quality of care in hospitals.
To sum up, data collection is normally the most important part of a research. Therefore, there is need to choose the most appropriate technique to ensure that the research question is adequately answered. Whichever method is chosen, there is a need to ensure that the questions asked are accurate and comprehensive so that the response can give useful replies. The credibility of a study depends on how well the research questions are answered.
Table of Sample Data and Analysis

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

Good financial compensation increases the motivation of hospital staff.





The profits generated by the hospital affect the quality of healthcare





The ability of hospitals to finance their investments using deb...
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