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Customer Service in Supply Chain Management

Essay Instructions:

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read this week’s assigned readings. In the required article, Customer Obsession and the Platinum Rule (Links to an external site.) (Reid, 2016), the author refers to the “Platinum Rule” for developing outstanding customer relationships and discusses the importance of customer service. Your textbook emphasizes the idea that customer service is a strong competitive weapon, which is difficult for competition to imitate. In logistics, the four dimensions of customer service are time, dependability, communication, and convenience. Advanced transportation and technology are the main drivers of globalization that contribute to these four dimensions.

For this assignment, you will research a large global transportation company, write a paper that discusses how customer service supports logistics and supply chain management, and then analyze how this relationship contributes to a company’s competitive advantage in the global marketplace.

In your paper,

Explain how your chosen company’s current logistics and/or supply chain management practices supports each of the four dimensions of customer service. (The company’s website and annual report are often good starting points for your research.)

Assess how the company can strengthen the contribution of each dimension to future gains in profitability and/or customer service with at least two of the four dimensions. Provide two to three examples of how other companies have already done so to support your assessment.

The Measuring Customer Service paper

Must be 900 words in length (not including title and references pages), double-spaced, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Contextual (Level One) headings must be used to organize your paper and your thoughts.

Must include a title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student’s name

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Date submitted

Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

Must include and integrate supporting information and reasoning from at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed, or credible business source from the Ashford Library in addition to the textbook (see Ashford Writing Center’s Integrating Research (Links to an external site.) for assistance).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Customer Service in Supply Chain Management
Student's name
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Customer Service in Supply Chain Management
Recent trends in economics have created opportunities as well as threats for business firms. The current business environment has high levels of competition in providing better and efficient customer service. For a company to win in the market, its products must have a market advantage over the ones sold by its competitors (Basheer et al., 2019). In addition to that, the products need to be delivered on time through the most convenient and effective delivery method. Delta Airlines is a modern technology-based used for transportation. Customer service is an integral part of business, affecting the logistics, supply chain management, and competitiveness of a company in the market.
The supply chain is thought of as a deliberate impression that makes people understand and manage activities. They explain the process right from supplier to customer (Ardito et al., 2019). Customer service plays an important role in the supply chain; regardless of market size, the customers are the core center because they buy goods and services produced by these companies. Customers have numerous companies to choose from. They have the power to decide which particular supply chain they buy their items. Customer services support the supply chain by controlling how the customers feel about a product from a certain company.
Customer service on the supply chain starts from selling the products to the customers to the point of delivering them (Çankaya & Sezen, 2019). In every step starting from manufacturing, distribution, and selling of the final goods and services, companies' main focus should be on giving perfect help to their clients. In Airbus, this is done by answering any questions that the customers might be having and asking for customers' feedback to help in improving their daily operations (Çankaya and Sezen 2019). Measuring the service responses given by customers and how the number affects their general sales can only be possible when there exists better customer service together with the supply chain (Basheer et al., 2019). In the long run, a business will experience an increase better than those who do not focus on customer relationships. When this concept is well understood, it will help firms to be more competitive in the market.
Logistics plan is a critical constituent of the supply chain, which contributes to the efficiency of the companies. A good logistics plan ensures that the process of getting raw materials and transporting goods to the markets is done timely and effectively (Ardito et al., 2019). For logistics to operate well, considerations need to be made to customer service.
There are four scopes of customer service being undertaken by Delta Airlines. These include time management, dependability, communication, and convenience. For instance, time is crucial from the moment a customer orders an item and how goods or services ordered shall be delivered (Rossmann et al., 2020). Effective logistics have a high level of overtime regulation and the elementary essentials of lead time. Right from the processing of orders, the order preparation to order delivery. In the end, they ensure there are effective order sequences, having a realistic span and steady duration improves the profitability of customer service.
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