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Creating an Annotated Bibliography

Essay Instructions:

For this Assignment, examine the main steps needed to create an annotated bibliography and the type of material that should be included. You must review Chapter 10 of your course text and the Walden University Library resources. Then select a criminal justice topic to use for this assignment. Finally, select five peer-reviewed resources that pertain to that criminal justice topic.

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Annotated Bibliography
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Walters, M. A., & Tumath, J. (2014). Gender ‘Hostility’, Rape, and the Hate Crime Paradigm. The Modern Law Review, 77(4), 563-596. doi:10.1111/1468-2230.12079
Rape is an act of sexual discourse with a man, woman or child without their consent or desire. According to Mark Austin Walters and Jessica Tumath, rape is one of the most serious and threatening crimes, and serious actions should be taken against those who commit this crime. With the passage of time, various policies have been implemented to ensure the safety and protection of those who are likely to become the victims. The criminal justice system of the United States is quite strict in this regard, and any person who commits this crime is sent to the jail instantly or given another type of punishment. Previously, rape was considered to be caused due to unbridled sexual desire, but now the situation has been changed. These days, rape is associated with one’s desire to show his or her power over the victim. They may or may not have a physical desire, but they want to prove their dominance in one way or the other.
Osman, S. L. (2014). Predicting Rape Empathy Based on Rape Status and Labeling "Rape" or "Sexually Victimized". PsycEXTRA Dataset. doi:10.1037/e543182014-001
Suzanne L. Osman argues that there should be serious punishments for those who commit rape, without any discrimination and that the psychological motivations of rapists are quite difficult to identify or determine, but they should not be given any kind of relaxation, at any cost. Such people make the victims feel ashamed of themselves and lead some of them to commit suicides, which is a matter of great concern. The age at which a person may commit this crime is set in most countries at 14. However, the areas where the criminal justice system is well-versed, the rate of rape is usually low, meaning rapists are given serious punishments here for others to learn a lesson from. It contributes to the overall peace and harmony of the state and promises safety and a sense of protection for everyone, especially the ladies of society.
Rape. Evidence. Complaint of Female. People v. Bianchino, 91 Pac. 112 (Cal.). (1907). The Yale Law Journal, 17(1), 64. doi:10.2307/7858...
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