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Connections Between Ethics And Morality

Essay Instructions:

Discussion 1,

For this Discussion, consider the connection between ethics and morality. Using this connection as a basis, apply this connection to an analysis of whether poverty tourism is ethical and/or moral.

Analyze the connection between ethics and morality

• Apply strategies to address morality of poverty tourism

• Compare libertarian and liberal approaches to poverty tourism

Discussion 2,

• Analyze the relationship between ethics and professional responsibility

• Evaluate the balance of responsibility and ethics

• Apply strategies for balancing objective, subjective, and ethical responsibilities

In this Discussion, in your reading you review a case study: “When a Career Public Servant Sues the Agency He Loves: Claude Ferguson, the Forest Service, and Off-Road Vehicles in the Hoosier National Forest” (O’Leary, 2009) and consider how a public administrator might balance the objective, subjective, and ethical responsibilities within a governmental agency or nonprofit organization.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Ethics and Morality Name: Institution: Course: Date: Ethics and Morality While ethics and morals are different, they are constantly used interchangeably. However, there is a close connection between the two terms and their application at the individual, societal and even professional levels. The connection however, points to the fact that the basis for ethics that one may hold is the morals that they practice. It is never the other way around. Ethics is largely associated with the theory part of it while the morals are more of the practices that one adopts (Perez, 2017). As such, ethics forms the rules that the individual follows to establish their actions at the individual level which then points to moral standards (Laureate Education (Producer), 2009). The latter is associated with the principles of right and wrong (Lloyd, 2000). Poverty tourism is one of the activities that can be deemed unethical. Ideally, there are three main elements that indicate the ethical flaws of the practice (Selinger & Outterson, 2009). First, it is crucial to understand the poverty tourism concept. Ideally it relates to the rich visiting the poor in their place of residence to understand how the latter live, play and/or work. It is not morally permissible for the tourists to visit the poor relative to the fact that, the transaction between the tourists and residents in poverty can be exploitative (Selinger & Outterson, 2009). It is also quite difficult to determine the level of exploitative given the fact that the tourists do not have the perspectives of the residents. It is also important to consider that, tourists take part in the practice without being compelled, especially when it comes to exploitation. The bottom line is that, the tourists are doing this for their benefit. The benefit to the poor is more of an afterthought to make sure that it is not construed as the same. However, when this is considered under the libertarian approaches, there are benefits that come with the fact that, the situation with the poor is likely to be better understood. As such, the possibility of change becomes much easier when considered under this conditions (Kling, 2006). Where no one is paying attention to the plight of the poor, it becomes very hard for the situation to be arrested. This then makes the ethical background for the poverty tourism approach beneficial for the poor. It is crucial for the moral practices to be based on the ethical principles of creating awareness about the plight of the poor in an effort to change the situation and not just for the benefit of the rich trying to study the poor (Kling, 2006). The liberal perspective is associated with the idea that, visiting the poor is insensitive and more importantly immoral. The liberal perspective, considers poverty as something that needs to be remedied other than observed candidly. This is different from the libertarian perspective in that, the latter considers the element exposing poverty as a solution, while the former points to exploitative nature of the tours. Ethics and Responsibility The pressure to remain ethical and professional is one that is quite common and tends to form the backbone of most of the decisions one makes in their career (Illinois Institute of Technology, 2018). For example there is a line that the researchers cannot cross relative to the ethical relations with the participants in their studies or research. Aspects such as involving participants in a research that could potentially expose sensitive information about the health status can bring up ethical issues. As s...
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