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Conflict Resolution in Workplace: Preparation and Description of Interaction

Essay Instructions:

You will approach a current conflict situation that you face in your work. You may also choose a current conflict outside of work if you like. Most importantly, choose a situation that is relevant and important to you.

Using the tools and techniques discussed in the text (Chapters 3-5) and covered in other resources, you will communicate with someone you have a current conflict with. You will identify your goal (for example, to get a certain action/outcome; to sway a decision; to influence a change in behavior; to be heard; etc), and you will decide what approach you want to take.

You will then communicate with that person (you can choose the most appropriate and available channel). Following your interaction, you will diagnose how it went and what you might have done differently to improve the chances of meeting your goal.

Submit a 4-page write-up (double-spaced) in the appropriate folder. Include any reference to the reading that you feel is appropriate and use specific techniques and terminology from Chapters 3, 4 and 5. These and additional conflict management tips and strategies have been discussed in class.

Go into depth in your write-up, provide support for key points and include specifics and examples where possible. Copy/paste the questions and place your answers beneath.

Your write-up should include the following:

A. Description of how you prepared for the interaction, including:

What is the nature of the conflict? Provide a brief description of what is going on and a brief history.

What is your goal (desired outcome) in communicating with this person regarding the conflict?

Your approach: What techniques, from Chapters 3-5 and class, do you plan to use, and why? There are about forty techniques to choose from in Chapters 3-5! You should describe (and apply) at least two specific techniques from each of the chapters 3, 4 and 5, which equals a total of at least six specific techniques (Note: Ch 5 has some of the most powerful techniques for conflict). Note: the techniques in the textbook tend to be highlighted in Green and there are many of them to choose from. For example: "Withhold Judgment" (page 66), "Talk and Interrupt Less" (page 68), "Choose the Optimal Degree of Powerful Language" (page 85), "Demonstrate Interest in Others" (page 101), "Focus on Solving Problems, Not Controlling Others" (page 114), and "Agree with the Criticism" (page 119). The most important of all may be "Use Descriptive 'I' Language" (page 114). As you choose your six techniques, the approaches like Compromise and Collaboration, Accommodation do not count since they are overall approaches, not techniques, per se. It is important that you provide a concrete example or enough description (what you plan to say and why it might be helpful) for each technique so I can see that you understand the techniques. Note that general approaches like "Collaborate" or "Accommodate" don't count towards the minimum six techniques as these are just general approaches, not specific techniques.

B. Description of the interaction:

What happened? How did your interaction go? You do not need to provide every detail, but do provide highlights, including some specific examples of what you said, how the other side reacted (what did they say?), and how you reacted to something they said.

What techniques did you end up using? Provide examples or enough description so I can see that you applied the techniques you listed above.

What went well or most effectively? Why?

What did not go as well as you would have liked? Why?

C. Description of the outcome of the interview:

Discuss how you felt the interaction went. Did you achieve your goals? Why or why not?

What strengths did you bring to the situation?

Where were you most challenged?

What might you do differently if you were to do it again?

Your write-up should be in clear, readable English. If you struggle with English writing, consider consulting GGU’s OWL service, which helps students strengthen their written English. Also, be sure to run Spelling and Grammar check in Microsoft Word or other document tool to correct any glaring mistakes.

What is the nature of the conflict? Provide a brief description of what is going on and a brief history.

What is your goal (desired outcome) in communicating with this person regarding the conflict?

Your approach: what techniques, from Chapters 3-5 and class, do you plan to use, and why? There are about forty techniques to choose from in Chapters 3-5! You should describe (and apply) at least two specific techniques from each of the chapters 3, 4 and 5 (Ch 5 has some of the most powerful techniques for conflict). You should mention and describe at least six techniques in total. Note: the techniques in the textbook tend to be highlighted in Green. There are over 25 techniques to choose from that can help you manage your encounter. For example: "Withhold Judgment" (page 66), "Talk and Interrupt Less" (page 68), "Choose the Optimal Degree of Powerful Language" (page 85), "Demonstrate Interest in Others" (page 101), "Focus on Solving Problems, Not Controlling Others" (page 114), and "Agree with the Criticism" (page 119). The most important of all may be "Use Descriptive 'I' Language" (page 114). It is important that you provide a concrete example or enough description (what you might say and why it might be helpful) for each technique so I can see that you understand the techniques. Note that general approaches like "Collaborate" or "Accommodate" don't count towards the minimum six techniques as these are just general approaches, not specific techniques.

B. Description of the interaction:

What happened? How did your interaction go? You do not need to provide every detail, but do provide the high points so I can see what happened.

What techniques did you end up using? (Again, you should apply at least two techniques from each chapter).

What went well or most effectively? Why?

What did not go as well as you would have liked? Why?

C. Description of the outcome of the interview:

Discuss how you felt the interaction went. Did you achieve your goals? Why or why not?

What strengths did you bring to the situation?

Where were you most challenged?

What might you do differently if you were to do it again?

This assignment is due one week from this Saturday (i.e., due Next Saturday). It is good to begin this week if you can.

Your write-up should be in clear, readable English. You should go into depth and provide specifics. One- or two-sentence responses are insufficient. If you struggle with English writing, consider consulting GGU’s OWL service, which helps students strengthen their written English. Also, be sure to run Spelling and Grammar check in Microsoft Word or other document tool to correct any glaring mistakes. Be sure to address all questions in sections A, B and C, above.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Conflict Resolution
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Student’s Name
Conflict Resolution
Part A: Preparation
Debra had been a good colleague at my workplace ever since I joined the company. She was assigned the duty of helping me adapt to the new environment. I must admit that without her invaluable assistance, settling in would have been a tall order for me. She diligently and tirelessly undertook to see that I was comfortable and lacked nothing. Through this interaction, it was only natural that we fostered a strong bond. The bond blossomed into a profound and unshakeable friendship. As fate would have it, I took to my new job like a duck to water, much to the delight of the management. It was not long before I distinguished myself from the rest, which ultimately earned me a promotion. As there are two sides to a coin, my good fortune did not sit well with my friend Debbie. She somehow felt that the position should have gone her way, given her vast experience. As such, she began avoiding me as much as she could, and I also got wind of her claims that I had become aloof and insensitive after landing the position. Those inevitably made me resolve to confront her and iron things out. My foremost intention was to continue being good friends with her.
To achieve my desired goal, I decided to employ several techniques. The first technique I used was the descriptive "I" language (Adler et al., 2013). Even though I strongly felt that Debbie was to blame for the trajectory that things between us had taken, I did not want to sound accusatory. This is because sounding accusatory would only aggravate the already volatile situation. Therefore, when we met, I began by noting that our friendship was not as robust as it had been. In this respect, I revealed that it was causing me considerable concern. I also reiterated that my foremost wish was to settle any differences that may have emerged amicably.
The other technique I made use of was making praise specific. In this regard, I specifically appreciated Debbie for holding my hand when I joined the company. I particularly pointed out the zeal with which she taught me the ropes on how to do the job. I could not fail to mention the material assistance she afforded me. I intended to make her feel that her efforts were not in vain.
Thirdly, I decided to use the technique of asking questions to get to the root of the matter. However, I had to be extra cautious lest I sound accusatory. I, for instance, asked her whether she had noted any difference in our friendship. If so, what did she reckon were the cause and the ways forward?
The fourth technique I used was attending to nonverbal cues. I understood fairly well that those cues could tell me more than her words (Adler et al., 2013). I appreciated the fact that observing her would inform me about her attitude and feelings. It would also help me figure out whether she would be willing to talk more if prodded.
The fifth technique was avoiding the use of trigger words. In this particular situation, the words I tried to avoid as much as possible were promotion and rumors. Even though I knew my promotion was the gist o...
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