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Collaboration Systems at Isuzu Australia Limited

Essay Instructions:

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Collaboration Systems at Isuzu Australia Limited

Identify emerging technologies that enable new forms of communication, collaboration, and partnering.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in information systems.

Write clearly and concisely about management information systems using proper writing mechanics

1. Summarize the main reason(s) that prompted Isuzu Australia Limited (IAL) to use collaboration technologies.

2. Identify the platform that IAL chose as an online portal and content management system, and describe the main reason(s) why IAL chose such a specific platform.

3. Discuss the significant attributes of a wiki, and describe the overall manner in which IAL uses wikis for its internal collaboration.

3. Speculate on the main challenges that IAL could face when implementing groupware, and suggest one (1) step that IAL could take in order to mitigate the challenges in question.

4. Use at least three (3) quality reference. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Identify emerging technologies that enable new forms of communication, collaboration, and partnering.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in information systems.

Write clearly and concisely about management information systems using proper writing mechanics

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Collaborative Software
Isuzu Australia Limited (IAL) is one of the largest dealers and a subsidiary of the Isuzu Motors Limited in japan. This is a division that is involved in marketing of the company products along with offering support and distribution of the company trucks in Australia. At the time of the implementation of the collaborative software, there was a business need associated with speed along with the accuracy relative to communication between the dealerships and the head office (IBM, 2017). The implementation of the software came with a number of significant benefits to the company and the stake holders. At the moment, the company benefits from a much-improved communication system between the internal environment and the external environment. This means the company is able to communicate much more effectively internally. The staff are for example able to publish information for themselves and expediting access to information. The staff are able to use instant messaging which improves decision making compared to emails. There is also a central document repository, where staff able to access information such as announcements, policies and procedures from the portal. The company also needed to cut costs. At the same time the company is able to send messages to the stake holders such as the suppliers, dealers among others instantly. The element of collaborative approach was also part of the company need, where the staff could hold meetings through a web portal and could access the documents shared in real time.
From the company needs that were to be addressed, there was a chance that communication would largely benefit from the collaborative software. The Staffs Operations Manager at Isuzu Australia Head Office, Aninka Morhall was tasked with establishing and outsourcing the online portal and content management solution that the company would rely on and replace the manual system that was in place at the time (IBM, 2017). Morhall evaluated a number of potential companies before settling in on IBM. At IBM, the company selected the IBM WebSphere Portal and the Workplace WEB Content Management. According to Morhall, the choice of the IBM products was largely influenced by the fact that they met the company needs compared to ...
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