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Changing Roles of Human Resources

Essay Instructions:

需要读三篇文章然后根据文章写:ASSIGNMENT 1: Write an up to 3 page (max) discussion addressing: “Your reaction to ALL THREE of these papers, what do you think? Why did I assign these three papers?

What did you learn that was new to you? and what has changed to make the obvious perception of HR change in the time between these 3 articles?.

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Assignment 1
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Assignment 1
The three articles explore the place of human resources (HR) in modern companies. The authors explore different topics related to the concept of HR but agree on one aspect of transformation, adaptation, and acclimatization with the shifting responsibilities of this position. Their agreement reveals that HR has remained stagnant on obsolete activities for years, making them redundant and sometimes ignored or even resented in most companies. The observations expressed by the different articles demonstrate that firms and employees want an HR department that adds value to their well-being and working condition. When it cannot achieve these fundamental expectations, it ceases to be a human resource. As a result, the articles uncover the need for shifting HR perspectives and approaches and focus on rejuvenating its impact on companies and employees.
When reading the three articles, it felt like HR has failed to command its area of jurisdiction. For instance, the article by Hammonds (2005) highlights the various reasons leading to the dislike of this department, including concerns like the professionals in the field only pursue efficiency rather than value and that they are not the most creative or impactful in the enterprises. The article by Bersin (2020) exposes the technological backwardness of most HR departments, especially in small and medium enterprises, rendering them regressive based on contemporary standards. Even Green (2019) expresses his concern about the lack of humanness in the concept. Such observations are eye-opening and illustrative of the weakening condition of HR departments. It makes one question the benefits these professionals bring in modern times if they continue to use outdated approaches or focus on narrow responsibilities that have since become delegated to other, more effective players. The revelations of these articles have enabled me to critique HR and recognize that it requires systematic transformation to ensure it is updated with the current needs of the employees and the companies to restore their reputation in a company.
A thorough analysis of the three papers reveals that you assigned them because each article deconstructs a unique yet critical area of concern related to HR. Understanding these elements is vital for future management professionals because they have a crucial role in determining how effectively HR works for their companies. For instance, Green (2019) concentrates on restoring the human perspective to HR. This aspect highlights the increasing departure of the activities of HRs from the desired one, which relates to meeting the diversified needs of the workers and other stakeholders. As a result, the author suggests approaches such as rediscovering mechanisms of promoting employee experiences, honing skills, and...
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