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Change Implementation Timeline Using Kotter's Eight-Step Model

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you will be creating a change implementation timeline using the organizational change you identified in Critical Thinking Assignment 2. Once a change has been planned, it is important to communicate how the change will be implemented. An effective implementation plan requires a timeline. A timeline ensures that changes are made in the appropriate order. For example, if the change you identified deals with the implementation of a new technology you may want to consider the following in your timeline:

time to procure and purchase new equipment

time to install equipment (you may or may not need outside technicians)

time to conduct a pilot training course

time to tweak training

time to train all users on new equipment (consider who needs training and how many users there will be)

time to evaluate the use and operability of new equipment

time to modify how users are implementing equipment

time to sustain the change

Utilizing the information you have gleaned from previous Critical Thinking assignments, provide a timeline for the proposed change you have identified. Identify the conditions associated with each step in the timeline that must be met prior to moving forward.

Feel free to utilize images, charts, and graphs in your paper to demonstrate your timeline.

Your well-crafted paper must be 4-5-pages double-spaced in APA format (approximately 1200-1500-words, not including Title or References pages).

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Change Implementation Timeline Essay
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There are various fundamental objectives for implementing transformation leadership in the recruitment agency. First, the organization needs to address the communication challenges by augmenting employee morale and motivation to enhance collaboration and achieve the organizational mission and vision. Second, the organizational leaders must solve the communication changes to provide an impetus to increase profits or revenues or reduce business costs. Lack of proper coordination due to communication breakdown could lead to deteriorated productivity and increased business costs due to bureaucracies. Therefore, transformational leadership change is implemented to augment the effectiveness and efficiency of organizational processes. The project timeline offers the project managers a visual depiction of the anticipated actions that must be completed to turn the project deliverables into action. This paper delineates the project timeline for the transformation change implementation in the recruitment agency to ensure project execution success based on Kotter's eight-step change implementation model.
Using Kotter's Eight-Step Model to Inform the Timeline
According to Solano and Preuß (2019), Kotter's change implementation model entails creating a sense of urgency, guiding coalitions, establishing strategic initiatives and vision, mobilizing the volunteer groups, removing barriers to enable actions, creating short-term wins, change acceleration sustenance and instituting the change. These steps to change implementation are essential because, prior to implementing any project, the leaders should understand the change management actions to effectively track it and allow various stakeholders to participate fully in the change process and prevent resistance to change (Gordon & Pollack, 2018). This would be central to embedding transformational leadership practices in the organization. The proposed change project chronology is represented as shown below:





Creating a sense of urgency

Two weeks

This entails creating an organizational knowledge of the need to implement transformational change. Failure to develop a sense of urgency would be the biggest mistake for the organizational leaders seeking to implement transformational leadership change in the recruitment agency (Rajan & Ganesan, 2017).


Establishing a guiding coalition

Two weeks

This entails developing a group that has adequate influence to lead the change. Guiding coalitions for transformational leadership change should be created at diverse levels of the recruitment agency. Most importantly, the leadership management coalition should be led by the chief executive officer (CEO) as well as direct report reports that should provide constant strategic guidance and direction to the change implementation program.


Developing the change strategy and vision

Three weeks

This starts with a transformational change management program explicitly delineating all project deliverables and milestones. When the vision leads the change implementation, it is increasingly easy to comprehend the strategic initiatives, including data migrations and training, and how long they will take to institutionalize (Chebbi et al., 2020). A well-documented vision should balance the different aspects of the transformational change execution as well as set an increasingly realistic timeline.


Change vision communication

Four weeks

The recruitment agency should not emphasize the transformational change logistics over effective communication of the need for the change. Change should be recognized and effectively embraced for it to achieve success. Without effective communication, it would be increasingly challenging to institute transformational leadership practices in the recruitment agency (Chebbi et al., 2020).


Broad-based change empowerment

Five weeks

It is vital to empower the employees to act on the change vision. The recruitment agency leaders must reduce the most crucial obstacles to ensure the operational teams can effectively conclude the change (Chebbi et al., 2020).


Producing short-term wins

Six weeks

Change implementation is a cumbersome endeavor, thus a need to recognize short-term wins to keep the employees inspired throughout the change journey. In order to preserve organizational mobilization to achieve possible intermediate results, it is crucial to recognize short-term wins (Ololade, 2022).


Consolidating positive results and generating more change

6-7 weeks

It is anticipated that the program would gain considerable momentum via the short-term wins, involvement of the change plan guiding coalition of the top leadership, as well as the continued employment of all the potential communication channels to augment change program feasibility (Chebbi et al., 2020). This entails consolidating the key improvements achieved and generating more changes in the recruitment agency.


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