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Case Study: Large Group Interventions at Airbus’ ICT Organization

Essay Instructions:
Read the case Large Group Interventions at Airbus’ ICT Organization in the text (pp. 315 - 323). Based on the case, write a 6 - 7 page paper where you answer all parts of the two questions at the end of the case. Follow APA format.
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“Large Group Interventions at Airbus’ ICT Organization” Name Institution Course and Code Professor Date “Large Group Interventions at Airbus’ ICT Organization” Question 1 Large-Group Intervention Theories and Models Whole Systems Transformation (WST) Whole Systems Transformation (WST) is a comprehensive change process management approach that aims to align all organizational components, strategies, and goals with the vision. WST, devised by Roland Sullivan, has the premise that organizational transformation cannot be achieved unless everyone, including all organizational stakeholders, from management down to the front line, is actively involved in the process (Cummings & Worley, 2019). The model emphasizes the importance of accommodating everyone and their opinions in large and small group dynamics, thereby reducing resistance to change and facilitating operations. In essence, WST aims to transform the organization from its current state to where it wants to be. WST achieves this by addressing systemic issues, encouraging ownership of established goals, and fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration. In selecting the model, Susan Donnan believed it would oversee the change needed in Airbus's ICT system. WST adopts the whole system approach, considering the organization's structure, operations, culture, relationships, and other areas, as opposed to the conventional change management strategy, which focuses on incremental changes or single initiatives. It guides the organization to tap into the power of its members' collaborative creativity and intelligence to foster long-lasting changes, which involve the widest representative of members carrying out the change process. This explains why Donna asked Dekkers and his team to join the new team overseeing the change (Cummings & Worley, 2019). WST uses a systematic set of procedures, including alignment, participation, and action plans, to assess the environment, make adjustments, enhance competitiveness, and accomplish the desired change. The intervention made a change as it was effectively directed by Sullivan, the developer. Beckhard's Change Formula Beckhard's Change Formula, D * V * F > R, outlines the critical components of a successful change process. The model asserts that for transformation to occur, discontent with the existing condition (D), a distinct vision of the desired future state (V), and a detailed plan for taking the initial steps towards that vision (F) must outweigh resistance to change (R). Beckhard's transformation formula greatly aided the transformation process in the case study of Airbus' ICT organization (Errida & Lotfi, 2021). Airbus faced challenges, including budgetary constraints, a lack of reliability in the energy supply, and inadequacy in the quality of energy services, which demonstrated dissatisfaction among customers. Discontent became a driver of change and demonstrated the necessity of considering another way to achieve organizational transformation (Errida & Lotfi, 2021). The executive team led the ICT transformation project, establishing a clear future vision through shared goals and effective communication with all stakeholders. Setting the vision for alignment was critical, which Donna accomplished by prioritizing internal customers and meeting their needs. Additionally, Donna demonstrated the final stage of Beckhard's plan by implementing specific action plans during the leadership training and the subsequent summit. Implementation strategies to achieve the vision, including forming operational plans, devising purchasing strategies, and enhancing competencies, are the specific activities anticipated. The summit's 300 participants addressed resistance and acted as ambassadors for change (Cummings & Worley, 2019). In addition, Donna used a web-based e-journal with photos and videos and a communication kit to ensure that summit information was shared and translated into personal projects. The approach made a difference in the organization as it supported an effective change process. Appreciative Inquiry Donna considered Appreciative inquiry as an approach that would guide the change process. However, the corporate culture disapproved of the theory, leading to its abandonment (Cummings & Worley, 2019). For instance, the leadership retreat and summit itinerary will comprise activities that promote mutual trust, rummage through past feats, and see what the future can bring. Appreciative inquiry’s stress on being more positive and collaborative could have assisted in creating a positive outlook and a constructive approach toward the change process. Positive Analysis Increased performance, alignment, and engagement indicate that the interventions led to a significant overall outcome in the organization. The change management process required the dedication of the ICT executive team at Airbus. Donna got Dekkers and his team to be part of the change process, which, in turn, oversaw the success of the change process as they aligned with it. The organization drew strength from everyone's readiness to accept a new strategy and actively participate in the change process. Stakeholders, including CEOs, middl...
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