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Career Management Exploration: Salary Would You Expect

Essay Instructions:

The term "management" is quite broad and there are many, many business careers in management. For the purpose of this assignment, we will say that "management" careers refer to any career where you would have people reporting directly to you OR it could be a career in Management Consulting since a "management consultant" often acts as an advisor to managers.

You could be a "manager" in virtually any field and I am sure that some of you are already managers of some type. Many people begin their professional careers in a non-management position and then aspire to be promoted into a management one. Others don't want to become managers because supervision requires that they monitor, inspire and motivate subordinates, deliver performance appraisals, and handle poor performance. Being made a manager may sound important - and often it is - but it's not for everyone.

Here is a video about Management. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

https://youtu(dot)be/7Zzbf407tYE Links to an external site.

Answer the questions concerning careers in Management (any management job is fine!)
Please number your answers to the questions below (use either Microsoft Word or a text editor and be sure to save your work frequently!) Then, either upload or "copy and paste" your answers here.
Search indeed.com (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to find job openings for this career in or near Philadelphia. List three companies that are hiring.
Choose the job opening that you find most appealing. Write the job title and post a hyperlink (clickable link) link to the job.
List three important activities that someone in this position would perform.
List three important KSA's (Knowledge Skills and Abilities) that someone in this job must have.
What degrees, credentials or other qualifications are required?
Describe how this particular position compare with an identical or similar position found at http://www(dot)careerguidance(dot)com (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

What kind of salary would you expect for this position?
Do you believe that you have the personal character traits to be successful in this position? Explain your answer.
Would you enjoy this job? Why or why not?
Look for other job openings available at the same company. You can do this by searching indeed or you can visit the company website. Describe a job opening (it doesn't have to be related to business) that looks appealing to you. Explain why you find this position interesting.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Career exploration: management
Institutional Affiliation
Question 1: My career of choice for this assignment is project management. In the Indeed.com website, several companies are hiring including,
1 Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for the position of project manager in Applied Clinical Research Center,
2 Partner’s Consulting Inc. for project manager III
3 The city of Philadelphia for a project manager.
Question 2: The job I find most appealing is of project manager, City of Philadelphia
Question 3: An individual in this position would carry out activities such as:
1 Developing, clarifying and managing the scope of the contract by defining the outcomes that are necessary and ensuring the achieving of the target.
2 Provide guidance, support, and training on project management practices to project associates.
3 Working closely with the projects team and identifying the necessary resources, assigning duties and determining the timeframe for each activity to ensure successful completion of the project.
Question 4:
1 One should know principles of project management, implementation of the project cycle and accounting.
2 An individual should poses skills in the working of servers, cloud computing, recovery of data in computers and managing of computerized services.
3 One should have the ability to express themselves orally and in writing with stakeholders, business leaders in various departments and organizations involved in the project.
Question 5: A successful candidate for this position should have a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or IT, experience in project management handling large ...
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