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Better Benefits of Management to Workers

Essay Instructions:

Please answer section A only , and follow the detailed instructions Please use the sources I added too

There are THREE sections of this exam. Be sure to complete all three sections: section A, section B and section C. Please upload your work on eClass under relevant link. Section A: Short essay Question (maximum 3 pages) Total: 30 marks Answer the below questions. Your answer will be graded out of 30 marks. You must write in standard essay format (thesis statement, intro, body, conclusion). Please cite properly (preferably APA style). Maximum 3 pages, double space, Times New Roman, size 12. "Over the last century, management has been involved in bringing better benefits to workers globally”. Do you agree with this statement? Why and why not? Draw on lectures AND course materials (from Trickker’s chapters, Braveman’s paper, additional readings, documentaries, and debate) in your responses. Additional references from outside class are welcome. Section B: Maximum 3 pages Total: 30 marks Analyze and discuss the attached podcast The role of ESG and purpose by Sean Brown and Robin Nuttall (McKinsey &Company), using at least two of the theses explained in class (for example, shareholder model, stakeholder model, firm regulation, director primacy model, the governance partnership, etc.). Be sure to explain the thesis, justify why you chose the thesis you did; explain how it relates to the podcast. You are encouraged to reference similar/different readings we have read and reference certain theories that might inform your approach to analyzing the podcast. A PDF version of the podcast transcription is posted on the lecture eClass under December right below the exam questions. You must write in standard essay format (thesis statement, intro, body, conclusion) and draw on lectures and course materials in your response. Maximum 3 pages, double space, Times New Roman, size 12. Please cite all sources properly. Additional references from outside class are welcome. Section C: Case study Total: 40 marks Case study: Joyful International Holdings Ltd Questions: Mr Alan Lau Man Seung, managing director and chairman of the JIH Group of companies, knows that you have recently been studying corporate governance, and has sought your advice as a consultant. He has no experience of joint ventures with overseas companies and is concerned about the way the proposed joint venture board might work in practice. Write a report for Mr Lau explaining the corporate governance matters that you feel he should consider in negotiating the joint venture with Nortel. In your report to Mr Lau describe any other governance issues in the JIH Group that you feel he should consider and explain what might be done about them. Total marks from Section A, Section B and Section C = 100 marks

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Section A
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Section A
A key determinant of a business success is a meaningful management that entails planning, controlling, executing, organizing, measuring, improving and delegating activities needed for the smooth running of a business (Adekola & Sergi, 2016). Although management duties and responsibilities vary significantly, its primary objective is to promote and maintain a successful and profitable business. Studies show that management plays an important role not only to the organization but also to individual employees (Abrahamson, 2017). I agree that management has been involved with bringing better benefits to workers globally over the past century because proper management attracts top talents, sustains new and existing workers, increases employee motivation and productivity, and fosters a positive work environment, which, in turn, results in organizational success.
Drawing on Braverman’s paper, management has benefited workers in numerous ways. Firstly, management has enabled employees to know in advance what is expected of them, and the performance standards on which they will be appraised. This has been possible through control. In management, control is the process by which managers influence employees to implement organization strategies. It ensures that a business runs smoothly to achieve its goals. Braverman (1998) noted that control has been the essential feature throughout history. With control, managers can dictate the length of the working day, supervise employees to ensure diligence, enforce rules against distractions, and set production minimums (Braverman, 1998). These actions guide workers to do the right thing, observe the established standards, and remain focused in their work. They increase the employees’ potential and performance.
While analyzing the scientific management movement initiated by Frederick Winslow Taylor, Braverman (1998) stated that workers controlled solely by discipline and general orders are not effectively managed because their control depends on the actual labor process. As long as they control the labor process, they will interfere with efforts to realize the potential inherent in their labor process (Braverman, 1998). This situation needs management to change. Organizations that succeed in managing employees tend to organize regular performance, acknowledge good work, set clear expectations, and provide training opportunities (Adekola & Sergi, 2016). With adequate support, workers can better understand their strength, recognize their weaknesses, and effectively apply feedback. It keeps them productive and successful.
Management also strengthens employee retention rate through motivation. Employee motivation improves satisfaction, and it is one of the fundamental ways of retaining best talents in business. It is the duty of management to motivate employees through financial incentives, promotions, and other necessary methods. According to Braverman (1998), m...
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