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Being a Social Media Influencer in the Fashion Industry

Essay Instructions:

includes an introduction, body, and conclusion; as well as strong transitions between paragraphs). You do not need a cover page.
Step 1: Professional skills and experiences. Based on what you have learned about digital leadership throughout the semester, consider the skills and experiences that you think will be necessary for success in your field by answering the following questions:
What special skills, talents, or personality traits are necessary for this occupation?
In what ways are you suited for this career?
What personality characteristics or skills do you currently possess that you believe will benefit you in this career?
Which of the leadership competencies covered in week 5 are particularly important for this profession?
Where could you gain experience now for this career?
Step 2: Include your core values that you identified in week 11.
Briefly describe what each value means to you (2 or 3 sentences).
Discuss how each of the five values selected relate to your career interests and might contribute to your success.
Also, consider how your core values might conflict with the dominant values of the profession you have identified.
Step 3: Include your personal social media strategy that you developed in week 12.
Step 4: Identify your goals. Spend some time thinking about your priorities in life and the goals you have for yourself. Identify three goals that you would like to achieve. Choose 1 short-term (6-12 months), 1 mid-term (2-3 years), and 1 long-term goal (beyond 3 years). Include a sentence or two that describes each goal. For each goal indicate why this goal is important to you and the benefits of achieving this goal. Indicate how this goal aligns with your values. Do not choose "to graduate college" as one of your goals. Try to stretch beyond the obvious. For each goal use a SMART format to outline and explain your goal. A SMART goal is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely
Specific: What exactly do you want to accomplish? (2-3 sentences)
Measurable: How will you know when you have reached this goal? (2-3 sentences)
Achievable: Is achieving this goal realistic with effort and commitment? Do you have the resources to achieve this goal? If not, how will you get them? (3-5 sentences)
Relevant: Why is this goal significant to your life? (2-3 sentences)
Timely: When you will achieve this goal?
Step 5b: For each of your three goals, indicate specific 3 action steps you will take to achieve the goal.
Step 5c: For each of your three goals, indicate 1-2 potential obstacles that might interfere with the achievement of your goal and 1-2 potential solutions to overcome these obstacles.
Step 5d: For each of your three goals, who are the people you will reach out to help you? You can include people who you do not now but can work to develop a relationship with in the future.
Step 6: Write a personal mission Statement. Now that you have a clearer understanding of your core values, and the career you would like to pursue, your competencies and the competencies you hope to develop, write a personal mission statement. Read this brief article (https://www(dot)andyandrews(dot)com/personal-mission-statement/ (Links to an external site.)) by Andy Andrews who identifies five questions to consider in writing your statement.
What is important to you?
Where do you want to go?
What does “the best” look like for you?
How do you want to act?
What is the legacy you want to leave behind?
Step 5: Conclude with a discussion of how your goals, values, and mission statement align. Finish with a brief conclusion that includes reflection on your experience, setting goals, and the development of your mission statement (e.g. Was this difficult? Was this easy? Did anything surprise you in the process? How might this exercise be helpful for you?).

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personal Leadership Development Plan
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Personal Leadership Development Plan
Digital leadership entails using a firm’s technology assets to meet specific business goals. In particular, an effective digital leader should lead, educate, inspire, and empower his or her followers. Throughout the semester, I have learned numerous things that have nurtured my career. Most importantly, I have understood my strengths and weaknesses. The paper focuses on my professional skills and experiences, core values, social media strategy, short and long-term goals, and personal mission statement.
Being a social media influencer in the fashion industry requires special skills, talents, or personality traits. They include effective communication, being talkative, hardworking, learning customers’ needs quickly, and the ability to create and maintain trusting relationships. I am suited for my career since I meet the majority of the above-stated skills, talents, or personality traits (Henry, 2012). For instance, my personality characteristics or skills that are beneficial in my career include fast-learner, hardworking, effective communicator, and the ability to understand what clients want. The leadership competencies appropriate for a social media influencer in the fashion industry are creativity, effective communication, goal-oriented, digital marketing skills, excellent customer care services, agility, and flexibility. I can gain experience by connecting with fashion experts, renowned digital marketers, social media influencers, and reading materials available on the Internet.
My core values are friendship, love, joy, happiness, and power. Love means treating others warmly. Happiness and joy depict fulfillment, welcoming, and making others joyous. Friendship means building and maintaining relationships. Power is the ability to influence others such that they can do what I authorize them. Love will contribute to my career success since individuals will feel my affection. Happiness will foster my expression. Joy will bring out the best part of me. Friendship will promote trusting relationships that will help me learn more relevant things. In addition, power will make me an effective leader who gets things done correctly. Some of my core values, such as happiness and love, might conflict with the dominant values of my profession. For example, it can be challenging to love individuals who are problem creators. Moreover, I cannot be happy when some people fail to adhere to my instructions.
My social media strategy entails obtaining appropriate knowledge, skills, and experience in fashion and beauty and maintaining an active social media presence. My core values significantly contribute to the success of my career. Additionally, my vision is to be an effective transformative leader who can lead others well and develop a personal connection with them (Dutta, 2010). Since I am friendly, innovative, mature, easy-going, and like justice, I believe I have what it takes to be one of the best social media influencers in the fashion sector. My leadership brand is to be a powerful, influential, happy, and adaptable leader. I want to leave a legacy that free-thinking, creativity, hardworking, goal-oriented, and innovation are what a person needs to succeed in the fashion and beauty industry.
After thinking thoroughly about my life priorities and goals that I want to achieve, I came up with the following three primary goals. First, my short-term goal is to acquire essential knowledge and skills at school and finish successfully within the predetermined period. I will do everything to learn crucial things that can help me to succeed in my career. I will know when I have reached my goal since it will be possible to make significant contributions to fashion and beauty. In addition, I will complete all school activities and pass my exams. Achieving this goal is very possible with commitment and effort. I have the right resources. I will ensure to get what I do not have from experts that I will connect with for proper guidance. The goal is significant since it is a step toward succeeding in my career. Indeed, it will change my life positively. I will meet this goal within my time in the school. Every activity I participate in contributes to my overall goal achievement, which is why I am always committed and self-motivated.
My mid-term goal...
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