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An Assessment of the University’s End-of-Term Evaluation

Essay Instructions:

Unit 7 Assignment: Training Evaluation

In this assignment, you will be assessed based on the following Outcome:

GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.

In this assignment, you will assess the university's training evaluation (student end-of-term evaluation). The university is concerned with program design and transfer of training and uses an online survey as a part of their program evaluation process.

The “Student End of Term Evaluation” form is available in Course Resources.

Refer to the assigned text reading.

You will complete this assignment as a paper, not a worksheet. Using the evaluation model in Table 6.1 and the Kirkpatrick evaluation model described on page 259 in the Noe textbook, address the questions below.

Compose a 1,000-word expository paper that must have a highly developed viewpoint and purpose, be written in Standard English, and demonstrate superior organization. You must communicate in a highly ordered, logical, and unified manner and display exceptional content, organization, style, and mechanics. In addition to fulfilling the specifics of this assignment, APA citation style should be followed. Cite and reference your sources using APA style.

Use the following headers to organize your paper:


Describe the situation. Develop a clear viewpoint and purpose.

Evaluation: Level of Evaluation

First, what level does this evaluation address? Is this the best level to assess? Why or why not? Should some other level be targeted? If so, what, why, and how?

Evaluation: Changes

Second, after identifying the level of evaluation, what changes would you make in the university training evaluation? What questions would you add, what questions would you delete, and what questions would you revise to improve the effectiveness of the training evaluation?

Evaluation: Strength and Weaknesses

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the EOT student evaluation?

Evaluation: Improvements

How should the evaluation be used to actually improve the instruction that you receive?


One-paragraph summary of your main points.

To help you become more familiar with Human Resources and Development professional articles, this assignment has a reference requirement of two articles from TD. Here is how you can find TD publications from the Library.

Note: If you reference, take care to use quotation marks for direct quotations. Here is an example with correct citation: According to Noe (2017), “Training and development can help a company’s competitiveness by directly increasing the company’s value through contributing to intangible assets” (p. 17).

Note: If you paraphrase, take care to use the author and year of publication. Here is an example with correct citation: Intangible assets are important for any company. One way their value can be increased is a strategic use of training and development (Noe, 2017).

Assignment Requirements

Answers contain sufficient information to adequately answer the questions and contain no spelling, grammar, or APA errors. You may find resources for APA help in the Academic Writer site under Academic Tools in the left navigation of your course. Points deducted from grade for each writing, spelling, or grammar error are at your instructor’s discretion.

Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

Compose your assignment in a Word document and save it as Username-HR410 AssignmentUnit#.doc (Example: TAllen-HR410 AssignmentUnit7.doc). Submit your file to the Unit 7 Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 7.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Employee Training and Development
Student Name
Instructor Name
Due Date Employee Training & Development Evaluation: An Assessment of the University’s End-of-Term Evaluation

Evaluation is the critical examination of a program based on the goals and objectives it was supposed to meet. For instance, in higher education, end-of-term evaluation is geared towards establishing whether course activities, structure, delivery, and understanding successfully meet the end-of-semester desires of both student and the institution (Borch, Sandvoll, & Risør, 2020). Thus, evaluation is not only intended to examine whether students' experience during a semester has the desired outcomes within the confines of the course but also whether the methods of delivery, design, and approach were effective in realizing these outcomes. Thus, evaluation outcomes should inform potential changes and improvements while utilizing effective course material. Therefore, the purpose of the current project is to provide an assessment of the university's EOT student evaluation strategy.

Evaluation: Level of Evaluation

            The current evaluation strategy has two core areas: students' background and course design & effectiveness. The student's background is more related to the university than the students. Information about the students who complete the evaluation form informs whether the course attracted the expected demographic of students, if the students were trying to satisfy a requirement or whether there was a mixture of seniors and sophomores. This area looks at students' performance, based on university requirements, by looking at completed course material and assignments, the grades in each assignment or coursework, and the overall semester performance, including aspects, like to mean grades and strengths across different subject areas.

            The second aspect of the evaluation, Course Design & Efficacy, is the most extensive and more holistic because it covers areas beyond grades and numbers. It involves nuances like a learning experience, personal satisfaction, thoughts on what should have happened, and students' points of view regarding the design and efficacy of the course. Thus, under this section, students will describe the quality of the course, what they learned even if it is not essential to their career prospects, how much effort they think they invested, levels of intellectual engagement, clarity of objectives, organization of course delivery, and the efficacy and experiences of doing assignments, be it with a partner, in groups, or individually.

            The Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model influences the current evaluation strategy and design. Under this model, there are four levels of evaluation: i.e. reaction (level 1), learning, behavior, and results (level 4) (Cahapay, 2021). These levels can be reflected in the second part of the current EOT student evaluation. The reaction level, for instance, highlights how the participants reacted to the course material. The reaction is vital because it forms the basis of attitude or perception, both the lecturer and course content, which is critical in building interest and effort into the program. Further, results (level 4) are reflected in the first section of the current EOT evaluation, where the evaluator examines core course outcomes based on students' backgrounds.

            While these levels are vital, the level of focus for the current study is behavior (level 3). According to Paull, Whitsed, and Girardi (2016), "the behavior level of evaluation seeks to determine whether the course content has changed the students." In other words, to what l...

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