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Discuss Ethical Relativism: Apple Child Labor Laws

Essay Instructions:

Final Project - Phase 2: (30%)Purpose:  You will research a Unique Ethical Issue and discuss an ethical issue.
Outcome Met by Completing This Assignment•identify ethical issues that arise in domestic and global business environments using an understanding of ethical concepts and of legal and business principles•develop and evaluate alternatives to, and recommend solutions for, ethical dilemmas, taking into account ethical and legal requirements and the essential mission of the business enterprise•effectively communicate to internal and external business stakeholders the complexities of ethical issues, suggesting and analyzing various solutions in order to ensure appropriate business practices and accountabilityInstructions: Step 1:  Create the introductory paragraphWithin this paragraph, provide a brief overview of the scenario.  Then, provide a thesis statement and tell the reader the main topics covered in the paper.  The introduction comes at the beginning of the paper and tells a reader the main topics covered in the paper.  View this website to learn how to write an introductory paragraph:  http://www(dot)writing(dot)ucsb(dot)edu/faculty/donelan/intro.html
Step 2:  In Phase 1, you select a topic not specifically discussed in class from the Unique Ethical Issues lists from weeks 3, 5, and 7.   In Phase 1, you wrote a brief one-to-two page paper that introduced the unique ethical issue that is the focus of research for Phase 2.  
Step 3:  Research
•In Phase 2, you will explore the readings for the unique ethical issue.  Step 4:  The Ethical Issue 
•Discuss the selected ethical issue topic.•Identify one common ethical dilemma associated with the ethical issue and explain why it is so.•State the dilemma.  Choose two traditional theorists from week 2 and use their principles to explain his or her solution to the ethical dilemma you have presented.
Step 5:  Traditional Theories/Resolution
•Identify and use two of the traditional theorists identified in Step 4 to provide two resolutions to the ethical dilemma in accordance with the theorist's perspective.
Step 6:   Ethical Relativism
•Define and discuss ethical relativism.•Are there any ethical relativism concerns with your selected Unique Ethical Issue?   If so, what are they?  If not, why not?
Step 7:  The Best Resolution•Select the solution that best fits your code of ethics and explain by supporting your reasoning/conclusions using the course readings and research. Step 8:  Summary paragraphWrite the summary paragraph. A summary paragraph restates the main topics of the paper.  Make sure to leave a reader with a sense that the paper is complete.  The summary paragraph is the last paragraph of a paper and does not need a heading.
•Third person writing is required.  Third person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second person writing).  If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link:  http://www(dot)quickanddirtytips(dot)com/education/grammar/first-second-and-third-person.
 •Contractions are not used in business writing, so you are expected NOT to use contractions in writing this assignment.
 •You are expected to paraphrase and NOT use direct quotes. You are expected to paraphrase, which can be learned by reviewing this link:  https://writing(dot)wisc(dot)edu/Handbook/QPA_paraphrase2.html.  You are responsible for APA only for in-text citations and a reference list.
 •Use at least 10 scholarly or credible resources as supporting documentation.  Three of the resources will come from the class readings.  Books cannot be used as resources for this assignment.   If any material is used from a source document, it must be cited and referenced and the page or paragraph number must be provided.  A reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa.  View the sample APA paper to gain a better understanding of how to use APA within the paper
How to Set Up the Paper
Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document that is double-spaced, 12-point font.  The final product will be between 6-8 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page.  It is important to write clearly and concisely.
Use the following format with headings:
•Create a title page with title, your name, the course, the instructor’s name and date;•Introduction (one paragraph)•The Ethical Issue;•Traditional Theories/Resolution;•Ethical Relativism •The Best Resolution

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Apple Child Labor Laws
It is so disturbing to find that in this era, prominent companies still have problems of complying with the laws concerning child labor. It has been brought to light that Apple, the world’s eminent company has failed to protect the labor laws of the Chinese child working in the Chinese factories. It has been brought to light by an undercover BBC Panorama investigation (Bilton, 2014). This paper studies this issue and discusses it in relation to the ethical dilemma. It also relates it to traditional theories and finds out if the issue can be termed as cultural relativism or not. Finally, the paper suggests the best resolution to the issue. Child labor is unethical, and all the companies should work to protect the Child labor laws.
The Ethical Issues
By definition, child labor is any form of work to children that robs them of their childhood. It is work that affects both their mental and physical development. It is work that is harmful and dangerous to them morally, physically, mentally and socially (Ellis-miller, 2013). This deprivation of opportunities makes them fail to attend school. Child labor occurs in various forms. The most common of these forms include; enslavement of children, separation from families making them fend for themselves, employment in big firms, prostitution and recruitment in the military army among others (Ellis-Miller, 2013).
In this case, the form of child abuse is employment in the big firms-the Apple Chinese factories. Discoveries by the BBC Panorama investigation found that workers in the Pegatron factories were working 18hours a day consecutively despite them asking for an off-day (Bilton, 2014). Other human rights breached in these factories included the poor standards of work meetings, dormitories, and ID Cards. There are many juvenile workers who are also subjected to harsh working conditions (Ruhs, 2016).
Apple confirms these allegations by saying that it was common to find workers taking a nap during the working hours. It acknowledges that the breach of labor laws is unethical and it requires all its supply chain to abide by the law (Bilton, 2014). However, investigations reveal that Apple also has contributed to the breach of child labor laws in these factories. Who is accountable for child labor in these factories? Is it the Apple Company, their parents or their conditions? This is the ethical dilemma here. Looking at it from both sides, it is easy to pay a child than an adult. This is because children are not courageous enough to complain. At the same time, the poverty stricken backgrounds of these children would compel these factories to offer them jobs. Due to these backgrounds, parents pay less attention to education.
Traditional Theories/ Resolution
The imminent ethical theories that stand out in child labor include the Kantian ethics and the Utilitarian ethics according to Torres & Hordijk et al., 2012. Utilitarianism is a form of consequentialism. It is an ethical theory which distinguishes right from wrong in regard to the outcome. This theory states that the choice that can be pronounced as the most ethical is one that produces the greatest benefits and good for a great number of individuals (Markkul Center for Applied Ethics, 2014). It is a common approach to moral reasoning utilized by very many businesses and military. In this case, the employment of children will ensure profits to the company. It will also ensure that the children provide financial support to their poor families. This theory fails to account for values, for instance, human rights and justice as seen in this case.
Kantian ethics is a deontological ethical theory which views the wrongness or the rightness of actions as independent of the consequences. It considers them as for whether they are at par with the responsibilities or duties people have (BBC, 2014). Kant, the founder of the theory, believed that despite the happiness actions such as theft, lying, murder might bring, they are highly prohibited. Before one acts, they should consider asking themselves if however, they are going to act is the same way they will want everyone else to. The other thing they should consider is if their actions are just for their personal benefits or they will respect the goal of all human beings.
This theory criticizes the actions of Apple for taking an advantage of the situation of the poor Chinese families to their own advantage. It has failed to protect the child labor law by first employing children who are supposed to be in school. Second, it is not paying them well and third it is violating their rights by overworking them under harsh conditions. According to this theory, the Apple Company is ethically wrong because it took its interest ahead of...
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