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Assignment 4: Annual Review Management Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 4: Annual Review

Due Week 4 and worth 125 points

Imagine you work at a company and it is time for an employee, Jim’s, annual review. While he was a model employee the first nine (9) months of the year, recently Jim has been coming in late. It has not been just a few minutes each day, either. It is starting to cause problems in the production line. In this assignment, write a one (1) page summary of your conversation with Jim. How will you address his recent performance issues while still praising him for his previous nine (9) months of good work? Your goal is to balance the negative and positive feedback so that Jim will leave motivated to do his best.

Write a one (1) page paper in which you:

Explain how you will address Jim’s recent performance issues.

Suggest both constructive and positive feedback designed so that Jim will leave motivated to do his best.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Annual Review
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name/Number
Instructor’s Name
Due Date

Annual Review
Me: Good Morning Jim, I hope you are okay. Today I will be conducting your annual review.
Jim: Good morning, I’m fine, thank you.
Me: Jim, you are an excellent employee, and your work ethic is admirable. The company greatly values your presence. Nine months ago, your performance was outstanding. However, lately, I have observed some alterations in your conduct, and I am worried. Every day, you report late to work, and this is causing problems on the product line. Jim, if you report to work late, your fellow employees have to handle the work that should initially be handled by you. Is there something going on that is affecting your motivation?
Jim: Well, lately, I have not been motivated to work. I feel as is the drive has disappeared, and something is missing.
Me: I am sorry that you feel that way, Jim. Is there something that we can do to help you revive your motivation?
Jim: I cannot state precisely what needs to be done, but I have this feeling that something needs to change.
Me: I appreciate your...
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