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Administrative Assistant at the King Saud bin Abdulaziz University

Essay Instructions:

to help write the report:

the company: is King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences

the department for the internship: is Information technology in the College of Dentistry

Major: administrative

worked there as an admin assistant

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also if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask me

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Administrative Assistant at the King Saud bin Abdulaziz University
Executive Summary
King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences is a Saudi Arabian state university well known for its health sciences and medicine specialty; its motto is "A university striving for the nation's health." The University opened in Ar Rimayah, Riyadh, the largest city and capital of Saudi Arabia, in 2005. The number of students at the University is about thirteen thousand as of 2021. The campus encompasses the college of dentistry, medicine, health informatics, nursing, public health, and pharmacy. Notably, the University of Medicine is managed by the National Guard of Health Affairs of Saudi Arabia (Times Higher Education, 2022). The high-end medical institutions in Jeddah, Riyadh, and Al-Ahsa are a major component of the University's success. The three medical institutions are the best in the entire Arab peninsula and aim to produce the best medical graduates and research globally.
As an administrative assistant in the Department of Information Technology in the College of Dentistry, my tasks included providing support to the academic and administrative staff, keeping records, organizing meetings, appointments scheduling, research, reporting, reception, travelling, and correspondence management. Additionally, I helped students with finding the information needed, answering pertinent questions, and registrations. After departmental meetings, I was tasked with identifying and creating a logistics sheet for the required equipment and office inventory. Moreover, organizing event spaces, invitations, agendas, announcements, publications, and invitations. This included publications on the departmental website and publication reports. Finally, I was involved in collecting students’ needs, textbooks, credentials, admission, and course application data. To achieve the tasks, I was involved in collating, manuscript preparation, expense reporting, locating, and preparing information reports for the Department of Information Technology, College of Dentistry, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences.
I give my sincere thank you to my Professor (Professor's Name) for his guidance, input, criticism, and enlightenment during this internship period; his invaluable information and motivation got me through the wearisome times. Moreover, his feedback was vital to the process. I am also grateful to my Supervisor (Mr. Supervisor's Name) at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences for their welcome to the institution and for allowing me to engage in the provided activities. He always kept me busy and aware of all that was going on in the department. He gave me a unique opportunity to learn and gain field experience in my discipline. I would also like to thank my family for being available for me during the internship period. Finally, my friends and colleagues for helping me through guidance and encouragement toward completing the internship.
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc111078179 \h 2Acknowledgment PAGEREF _Toc111078180 \h 4Table of Contents PAGEREF _Toc111078181 \h 5Introduction PAGEREF _Toc111078182 \h 6Chapter 1: Description of the company PAGEREF _Toc111078183 \h 6Chapter 2: Internship activities PAGEREF _Toc111078184 \h 11Chapter 3: Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc111078185 \h 15References PAGEREF _Toc111078186 \h 17
After my time at the Department of Information Technology, College of Dentistry, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, I can present a report on the description of the company, the activities I was involved in, and what I learned, and recommendations and conclusions on the institution. The report covers the entire internship period, experiences, and lessons learnt.
Chapter 1: Description of the company
The full title of the institution is the Department of Information Technology, College of Dentistry, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences. The University was opened in 2005 by King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz as the primary state-funded college in Saudi Arabia to have some expertise in medication and wellbeing sciences. Its witticism interprets as a college for a country's wellbeing. The primary grounds are in the east of Saudi Arabia's capital Riyadh, planned with a blend of contemporary and old-style Islamic engineering. There are two other grounds in Al-Ahsa and Jeddah. The primary grounds in Riyadh have a likely limit with respect to ten thousand understudies. It has seven universities in medication, dentistry, drug store, general wellbeing, wellbeing informatics, applied clinical sciences, nursing and science and wellbeing callings. The structures are situated inside a finished region, associated with pathways.
Jeddah Campus has universities of medication, nursing, applied clinical sciences, and sciences and wellbeing callings. The Al-Ahsa grounds have schools of applied clinical sciences, nursing, and sciences and wellbeing callings. The Health Informatics Master's program is viewed as the primary expert in wellbeing informatics accessible in the Middle East. All of the grounds are situated in King Abdulaziz clinical urban communities, giving King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences clinical applications and preparing under wellbeing experts. They are directed by the Saudi National Guard of Health Affairs. As a co-instructive establishment, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences has north of thirty thousand understudies, by far most of which are at undergrad level. Worldwide candidates are free to apply for confirmation. King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences has various arrangements for scholastic joint effort with global colleges like the University of Liverpool, South Alabama University, and Sydney.
The University's website is -hs.edu.sa/english/pages/default.aspx. Their contact is P.O. Box 3660 – 11481, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Institutional contacts are Jeddah +966-12-2246666, Al-Ahsa +966-13-5629000, and Riyadh +966-11-4299999. The University is a public university owned by the state, Saudi Arabia Government. The government has full ownership and one hundred percent of the shares. The University operates in the academic sector and is the largest health institution in the Arab Peninsula. The University’s vision is to accomplish worldwide administration in wellbeing callings schooling with obligation to greatness in research, patient consideration, and local area administration. Additionally, the mission is that the University gives top notch wellbeing sciences schooling, wellbeing related examination, and local area benefits that advance the soundness of society.
The guiding principles of the University include to have a moral way of behavior by being trustworthy, show regard, be decent and have empathy. Moreover, create cooperation through coordinated effort and outreach. Furthermore, be responsible by satisfying obligations. Being straightforward by acting with clearness and establish greatness through obligation to quality execution, advancement, and imagination The University's key goals encompass public and worldwide acknowledgment and noteworthiness through the persistent advancement of scholastic projects to create profoundly qualified wellbeing experts and dynamic residents. Similarly, focusing on logical exploration and wellbeing exercises of public worth and worldwide significance. The college also aims for far reaching support in advancing local area wellbeing and adding to public social obligation. Moreover, to keep up with qualified staff and recognized labor force while furnishing them with proficient advancement open doors. The University also aims to reinforce the college's monetary premise. Also, to improve the nature of the grounds and a feeling of having a place with the college local area. Notably to advance regulatory execution with high effectiveness to work with the convenient dynamic interaction at all levels of the college. The University further aims for the wellbeing issues of King Abdullah International Medical Research Center and the Ministry of National Guard, furthermore, to arrive at the level of the bound together wellbeing framework. Ultimately fortifying the inner quality confirmation framework to accomplish the maintainability of value confirmation processes and to accomplish the expected license as quickly as possible.
The Council of the University for Health Sciences has maintained the below hierarchical diagram in accordance with the smart course of action to work the three college grounds with productivity and deftly in Al-Ahsa, Riyadh, and Jeddah. The grounds are overseen by the principal branch in Riyadh, via the structural diagram framed in figure 1 below. The University has gone through an expressive change over a time as it has transformed from a prevalently instructing organization to an examination and advanced college and embraced administration and the board frameworks in view of execution and best global practices. The college has focused on turning into a recognized worldwide college. The king first started the Medical Centre as a supplier of top-notch wellbeing administrations, and slowly extended into a spearheading scholastic foundation through the accompanying: Great postgraduate residency preparing programs, association and the executives of nearby and worldwide logical gatherings, and high-level preparation programs, and keeping up with the guidelines of Higher Education Council, which is led by the Minister of Higher -466725662940Source: King Saud bin Abdulaziz University (2022)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: Organizational Chart00
Source: King Saud bin Abdulaziz University (2022)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1...
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