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You are developing a topic from this thesis 'One can tell much about people by the way they dress'

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Telling much about people by the way they dress.
1 Dressing and personality.
2 Dressing for job.
3 Dressing to reflect on self efficacy.
4 Personal portray from dressing.
1 Dressing and personality.
Every day people dress in different attires and these attires really express a person`s inner feeling so it makes it easy to tell more about a person depending on how they dress. The way a person dresses acts as a window though their subconscious and given the ability to interpret different data one can be able to tell more about a person by evaluating their dressing code. Dressing is the first impression of a person even before making contact, people make conclusions about people by the way they dress and the dressing code of a person have very strong influence on those around them especially in work places. Dressing is what gives a look and there are different looks that the code displays such as the power look or otherwise some dressing indicates fear and low self esteem. Some of the dressing tips that enables the definition of people is by the color of the clothes that people dress in. dressing in different ways tells more about peoples ways and styles of life and what they embrace in life.
2 Dressing for job.
There is different means of dressing for goals that one has and one can simply identify some dressing tips for their goals and also be able to tell more about others by the way they dress. Some of the things one can learn about a person and be able to tell more about them from dressing are the person`s profession. Different professions call for different dressing codes and people has to dress professionally for their jobs, an example is the differentiating of a person working in an office and maybe a rock star these are two people who dress totally different and can be easily differentiated. Professions call for totally different ways of dress code and one can differentiate people in different professions throufg this.
3 Dressing to reflect on self efficacy.
Different types of clothing tell more about characters such as trustworthy in this case many of the leaders in states wear blue suits when appearing before people as a sign of trustworthy. There are also clothes that are able to show a person as authoritative, from an observance without even asking one can tell a leader in an organization because they usually wear authoritative suits. The way people dress tells much more about their state of mind and how they view everyday life. a persons self confidence is displayed by the way they dress and plays a big role in determining their life.
4 Personal portray from dressing.
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