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Writing thesis and Agreement or Disagreement for articles

Essay Instructions:
Hello, ok this order is not an ESSAY. The instructions are pretty easy and straight forward. I am going to attach 2 pdf files, there are 2 articles you need to read. each article is about 10-15 pages I want you to write down, each authors main thesis of readings. there are two readings: one is " Economic and Social norms " and other one is "Bowling alone" So for each readings, write down Authors main thesis and An idea from the reading that you strongly agree or disagree with. Note: Each answer should be maximum of 150 characters so that's about one sentence and half. I will be expecting 2 replies for each readings and there are 2 readings, so 4 replies in total. i will go ahead and upload the templates for each that you need to complete. thanks Open the pdf files and read them please and write down authors thesis, and a reason why you strongly agree or disagree with the article.
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Professor name:
(November 06, 2012)
Writing Thesis
Reading Log:
Putnam, Robert D. Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community. NewYork: Simon & Schuster, 2000. 1-18. Print.
Authors Main Thesis:
Putnam, explore the declining trend in social capital in the American civil society including; he identifies the major roles of social and civil engagement.
An idea from the reading that I strongly agree or disagree with:
I disagree since the society has become dynamic and enlightened and this has been attributed by the flow of information through the media. Civil societies have shrunk because of an enlightened society.
Reading Log:
Elster, Jon. “Economic Order and Social Norms.” Journal of Institutional and TheoreticalEconomics 144.2 (1988): 357-366. JSTOR. Web. 10 Sep. 2012.
Authors Main Thesis:
Elster, Jon, desc...
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