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Writing Exercise I: Exploratory Investigation, Purpose and Description

Essay Instructions:

Writing Exercise I: Exploratory Investigation
Purpose and Description
Your objective in this assignment will be to begin familiarizing yourself with the course theme through an exploratory Internet search. Some of you may already be familiar with the theme in a general sense; some you may even know a great deal about it. The main goal of academic inquiry, however, is not typically to reinforce what we already know or believe—it is to explore and learn from different perspectives, make discoveries, enter into a conversation of ideas, and, ultimately, contribute to the process of building new knowledge. With these foci in mind, please consider the following guidelines as you complete the assignment.

Invention & Inquiry
Consider the following as you develop your paper:
Start with a focused question to guide your search;
Research your question using a common Internet search engine (e.g., Google);
Identify and use at least three different genres for gathering information (one must be a scholarly essay).
Take notes as you examine the various resources you find, with particular emphasis on elements of the rhetorical situation (e.g., authors, audiences, purposes, genres, contexts);
Identify common points of debate and/or argument based on the notes you have taken. Who is making the arguments? What problems are being discussed? What forums are people using to make and communicate their arguments? What seems to be the most pressing issues based on the information you have gathered?

The Composing Process
Even a relatively straightforward Internet search is likely to return more information than you can reasonably make use of in a single paper. Your aim in composing this paper, then, will be to distill your research findings into a few manageable points of discussion that you can communicate to your audience. Consider the following as you draft your paper:

Compose a paragraph that introduces your audience to the topic of your research;
Compose 2-3 paragraphs that identify key foci you have discovered through your research (e.g., common problems and debates, who seems to be making arguments, the consequences of adopting one point of view over another, etc.);
Compose a paragraph in which you identify possible issues you could imagine researching based on your exploratory investigation. Your aim here should be to focus your inquiry and develop a clear sense of how you might develop a viable research project.

Specific Requirements
Your paper should:
Identify general issues related to the course theme;
Start narrowing your own particular research focus;
Include a title that reflects the spirit and scope of the assignment;
Be 2 pages in length (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman);
Be uploaded to Canvas as a Word document by the deadline (consult your course syllabus and schedule for details).

The spirit of this assignment is to help you initiate a semester-long inquiry and give me, your teacher, an opportunity to learn something about you as a writer and researcher. So, do your best to respond to the assignment with the idea that we are starting a productive conversation that we can carry out over the coming months. Please write or stop by my office (or both) if you have questions about this assignment or anything else related to the course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

At the height of terrorism, there is a thin line between integration, assimilation and victimization. For every person that questioned about the element of trusting those of the Islamic faith, there is an answer that points to integration, assimilation or borderline victimization (Farrokh, 2017). This is relative to the fact that, even the other person has an opinion about what they believe about terrorism (Mamou, 2017). In some of the cases, the mention of the work Islam and assimilation in the same sentence will elicit heated debated, some focusing on the need to integrate the Muslim in the society, while others would rather shun them completely from their communities. Within the main social circles, most of the debates did not start until the crisis that ensued after the 911.
For a good majority of the population, the idea of assimilating the Muslims especially those that are coming in from the war torn areas in the Middle East, this is dicey subject. Some of the people feel that, it is not easy to vet the people that are coming in as immigrants (Hassan, 2016). Some of them are feared to be terrorists disguised as immigrants seeking entry into the country after which they will then launch attacks (Spencer, 2011). In all fairness, there have been reports where the Islamic terror groups have talked of disguising themselves as immigrants and reigning havoc upon the western nations. It is fair to say that there is risk associated with getting the immigrants that chance to start over in the western nations such as the United States (Pipes, 2000).
The other element is associated with the fact that, most of the victims that are suffering from the wars are innocent. Men, women and children are driven from their homes as is a common element of war. These are victims in their own countries before they are victims in the foreign lands where they visit to seek refuge. Instead of supporting them and given them a safe passage and home, most of the locals victimize them and consider them a threat (Yusuf, 2015). Ironically, there have been incidences where some of the perpetrators of the terror acts have been residents of the nations, for years before they then carryout the attacks after earning the trust of the pe...
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