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Write a case analysis report on Niagara Health System: An Innovative Communications Strategy.

Essay Instructions:
Write a case analysis report on Niagara Health System: An Innovative Communications Strategy. The essay must be future-oriented and address the problem(s) that exists at the end of the case study and recommendations for original solutions not found in the case study. The Week 3 readings (Berry & Bendapudi, 2003; Rubin, 2013) as well as the source reading (Casey et al., 2018) must appear in this essay as in-text citations and references. While you may use additional references and corresponding citations, it is essential that you demonstrate comprehension of the three required articles and the concept of stakeholder development.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Niagara Health System: An Innovation Communications Strategy Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name January 28, 2024 To address the constant demand for solutions to human physical and mental health issues, the healthcare industry is constantly evolving. The healthcare industry is always evolving, from discoveries in technological approaches to innovative approaches to treating illnesses. It is changing quickly, and one way it is changing is via the use of effective communication strategies. Communication techniques are essential to guarantee patient happiness, stakeholder involvement, and overall organizational performance . Berry and Bendapudi (2003) and Rubin (2013) from the Week 3 reading will be utilized for this case study. This case analysis will focus on the communication strategy adopted by the Niagara Health System (NHS) and also look in the future for potential solutions that can be made to address current problems. This case study will also include an original recommendation by the author for tackling the challenges that the Niagara Health System is facing in the present. Case Problem The problem is centered on the communication issues in the Niagara Health System and how they lead to dissatisfaction among patients and stakeholders. The NHS has already tried to implement centralized communication, but unfortunately, the problem persists. The problems in communication include inadequate information flow, inconsistent messaging, and lack of communication for the internal and external stakeholders. These problems collectively became the result of the problem and caused poor quality of health service. Recommendations 1 Investing in High-end Communication Technologies ...
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