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Workplace Wellness Program Case Study

Essay Instructions:

Over the last few decades, chronic diseases and conditions, such as hypertension, adult-onset diabetes, obesity, depression, and tobacco and alcohol dependence, have become more prevalent. According to a 2013 RAND Corporation study, these lifestyle diseases contribute to a lack of employee productivity (absenteeism) and performance (presenteeism). For these reasons and others, workplace wellness programs are increasing in number.

In this Module 1 assignment, you will select a workplace wellness program as a case study, analyze the components of the program, and evaluate the program’s level of effectiveness. (You should not identify the organization by name.) In subsequent assignments, you will use what you learn to propose a workplace wellness program for either the organization in which you work or another organization.

Create a 5-page paper (not including the title and references pages) in a Word document for your response. Use APA format.

Create a title page and references page in APA format.

Follow the steps to complete the assignment.

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Step 1. Using Google or another search engine, review the following using the provided key phrases to establish a broad overview of workplace wellness programs.

Workplace wellness programs case study

Wellness at work

How to build a wellness program

Step 2. Compose a 5-page paper in APA format including a title page and References page using the following outline:

I. Organization Background (You should not identify the organization by name.)

Location by region

Type of employer

Number of employees

Wellness program origin (events leading to creation of wellness program)

II. Wellness Program Description

Data used to establish need

Types of planning (strategic, action)

Program development and implementation

Budget and timeline

Wellness events and activities (screening, health promotion, prevention, curriculum)

III. Engagement Strategy

Incentives (financial and non-financial)

Communication strategies

Marketing strategies

Leadership support, including program coordinator and advisory council


IV. Program Results (Documented and Perceived)

Type of program evaluation

Participation level

Challenges to participation

V. Program Impact

Health-related behaviors

Employee satisfaction

Morale, productivity, corporate culture improvements

Effect of incentives

Unintended consequences

VI. Future Directions

VII. Conclusions

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Workplace Wellness Program Case Study
Institutional Affiliate
Workplace Wellness Program Case Study
* Organization Background
The organization is one of the leading multinational corporations in the information technology (IT) sector specializing in software development for business organizations across different economic sectors across the globe. A recent survey revealed that the organization whose headquarters are in one of the European countries has over 100,000 employees worldwide CITATION SAP22 \l 1033 (SAP, 2022). The company provides a holistic workplace wellness program for its employees across the different countries it operates in as a key element of its business strategy. The genesis of the wellness program is not clearly stated. However, the organization prides itself in being one of the best companies to work for, as indicated by the numerous employee awards it has won over the years CITATION Pur19 \l 1033 (Purcell, 2019). The leadership and management emphasize and focus on employees’ workplace wellness across the organization as a core factor in the company’s sustainable growth and development since its inception can be attributed as the main factor leading to the development and maintenance of the program.
* Wellness Program Description
The organization offers a holistic wellness program for its employees across the globe that encompasses its employees’ emotional, physical, and mental well-being and their social and community wellness.
Data Used to Establish Need
The company’s wellness program is at the core of the organization’s business strategy and thus making it difficult to identify the factors that led to its development and widespread implementation across its different branches around the globe. However, participation in the wellness program among its employees across the globe stands at an impressive 90%.
Types of Planning
The organization’s workplace wellness program is a function of strategic planning as it is an integral element of the company’s business strategy for sustainable growth and development. In essence, the company thrives on the efficacy of its holistic or integrated workplace wellness program that features continuous evaluation and improvement CITATION Pur19 \l 1033 (Purcell, 2019).
Program Development and Implementation
The development and implementation of the program can be traced back to the inception of the company, as it was at the core of the company’s business strategy during its inception. However, it has since developed to accommodate even the social and community well-being of employees, with recent advances witnessed through online monitoring of employees’ wellness.
Budget and Timeline
The holistic workplace wellness program adopted by the organization is one of the factors of production, which makes it a part of the overall cost of production. The employer invests in the employees’ health and quality of life with positive outcomes, as revealed in the increasing return on investment (ROI) recorded over five years from 2013 to 2018, with improved employees’ wealth positively impacting the operating profit to turn to over $90 million CITATION Pur19 \l 1033 (Purcell, 2019). The program further undergoes continuous improvements, thus enhancing its flexibility to emerging health concerns among the employees.
Wellness Events and Activities
Among the program’s wellness events and activities include facilities for on-site childcare for parents, parent coaching classes, and child conferences CITATION Pur19 \l 1033 (Purcell, 2019). The program also entails reduced work schedules in the first four weeks for mothers upon returning to work after maternity, adjustable working hours to attend to personal matters, and providing employees healthy meals CITATION Pur19 \l 1033 (Purcell, 2019). The program also consists of mental health and emotional well-being programs to promote mental wellness and reduce stress levels for employees at the workplace CITATION Pur19 \l 1033 (Purcell, 2019). Moreover, the program includes workshops for emotional intelligence and mindfulness for workers to deal with stress and improve overall productivity CITATION Pur19 \l 1033 (Purcell, 2019).
* Engagement Strategy
The development and implementation of the company’s workplace wellness program as a core of the organization’s business strategy creates a culture of health and quality life awareness among employees. The fact that the company invests in its employees’ health and well-being makes for an incentive that the workforce would make use of with little or no push by the employer to utilize the same CITATION Pur19 \l 1033 (Purcell, 2019). Additionally, the positive return on investment gained by the organization further promotes its belief in and support for the program. In essence, the program thrives on the non-financial incentive of improved health and quality of life accrued to the employees at their workplaces.
Communication Strategies
The company uses employees’ portals to communicate any wellness events and activities as well as any improvement...
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