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Women Victimization, Time Series and How Society Takes the Vice in In the Eye of the Storm

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Women Victimisation
To victimise is a process of making someone a victim of oppression or any problem that has a negative impact on him or her. Victims of victimisation may have a negative aspect on themselves and feel like the less important group or person in the society. In the Iran culture, women are highly victimised. Many authors have discussed this theme in the novel so as to make the issue clear to the society, the government and the world at large. In The Eyes of Storm, different authors write about women victimisation from a different angle, time series and how the society takes the vice.
In the introduction section, Mahnaz Afkhami and Erika Friedl takes to account what was discussed in a conference in Washington in 1991. The main issue was to understand the stereotyping and misinformation about the position of women in Iran and the Middle East at whole. Among the issues raised were women participation in society's institutions, their access to available resources and services for their basic needs and gender issue in their culture hindering participation and access outlined in cultural texts including law, literature theology and philosophy (Afkhami and Erika 2).
Women are discriminated in jobs, politics, their livelihood, in law and everything that the society involves in. Although the government has gender philosophy parameters, women in parliament face prejudice from their fellow men in articulating women constituent in parliament. Women sexuality in Iranian culture is commoditized and was partially modified after revolution. Women are treated as a commodity, which is shown, by post-revolutionary marriage and divorce regulations and job participation. The state in post-revolution did not acknowledge the status of women in census data and the goals for education were made to include men only. The Islamic law on the other hand victimised women ...
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