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William Shakespeare's Lady Macbeth

Essay Instructions:

Hamartia is a literary term meaning “tragic flaw”. It is the personal quality that brings about the downfall of the tragic hero. In this play, for example, ambition is often identified as Macbeth’s tragic flaw, the quality that leads to his destruction, but what about Lady Macbeth? In a well-structured essay, examine the tragic flaw that leads to Lady Macbeth’s downfall.

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              Lady Macbeth Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name January 30, 2019     Introduction Macbeth is perhaps one of the most well-known works of William Shakespeare. It focuses on the interplay of pride, ambition, and even corruption, with the elements of bravery and justice. Although Macbeth is the main protagonist within the story, readers would not fail to notice the critical role of Lady Macbeth in the events that transpired. She was the one who kept Macbeth in check and pushed him to do everything to reach his ambitions and goals. However, just like her husband, Lady Macbeth also has a tragic flaw that eventually caught up to her own. A flaw that led to her downfall and demise. This flaw would be discussed in the succeeding chapters of this article.   Greed and Ambition Lady Macbeth has always stood by her husband’s side whenever the going gets tough. She was the bastion that Macbeth could lean to, whenever he strays away from the path towards the fulfillment of his ambitions. She was bold and assertive towards her thoughts, and many people are afraid of her (BBC.com, n.d.). However, despite this, Lady Macbeth is also driven by her greed. Her actions were in line with her want to achieve power for both her and her husband, despite the consequences that might arise with their actions. It is this that led to her downfall. She also doesn’t care whether these actions could put her husband at risk, as long as it is in line with what she wants. In one instance within the story, Lady Macbeth has even divined (or sought to summon) spiri...
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