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Why “To Kill a Mockingbird” Should be Censored in Schools

Essay Instructions:

Instructions (how to get it done):

• Choose your side of this issue and decide what three supporting proofs you are going to use to defend your argument.

• Create a thesis statement that clearly states your argument and how you are going to prove it.

You are welcome to use the following template:

o It is apparent that Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize winning novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, should be banned in middle and high schools because of reason #1, reason #2, reason #3.

• Go to the library database and find two sources that will help you defend your argument. You must use information from these articles in your essay and cite this new information with an in text-citation. Format for citing from articles is:

o According to research, Lee’s novel has been on the list of top ten banned books since it was written in 1960 (Miller, 1986).


o According to Miller (1986), Lee’s novel has been on the list of top ten banned books since it was written in 1960.

• Be sure also to include text examples from the film. These should be cited also. Format for citing from a movie is:

o For in text citations:

▪ (Director, year) which is (Mulligan, 1962)

o For the reference page citation:

▪ Mulligan, R. (1962). To kill a mockingbird. Brentwood Productions.

• Defend your thesis in an introduction, at least three supporting sections, and a conclusion.

• Check in with your instructor with any and all questions.


• Length and format: 3-4 pages.

• You should have at least two outside sources plus the film.

• The title page and reference page are also required, but they should not be factored into the 3-4 page length of the essay.

• It should also be double spaced and should conform to APA formatting and citation style.

• Use the third-person, objective voice, avoiding personal pronouns such as “I,” “you,” “we,” etc.

• Use APA format for in-text citations and references when using outside sources and textual evidence.

• Please be cautious about plagiarism. Make sure to use in-text citations for direct quotes, paraphrases, and new information.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Why “To Kill a Mockingbird” Should be Censored in Schools?
Author’s Name
The Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor Name
Assignment Due Date
Why “To Kill a Mockingbird” Should be Censored in Schools?
Since its first publication in 1960, Harper Lee’s best-loved novel, “To Kill a Mockingbird,” has been facing censorship issues. The book shows a small town in Alabama in 1930 with extreme racism. Thus, as an inhabitant of the south, the author has inserted a few offensive themes in her writing. It is undeniable that Harper Lee’s award-winning book, “To Kill A Mockingbird” should not be included in middle and high school syllabuses because it has the themes of racism using n-words and open discussion around unpleasant topics in a way that may negatively influence the mind of the reader, particularly young students.
The first and the most important reason to ban this book is the racist ideologies it raises in young minds. As middle and high school students possess an acute, maturing sense, they develop ideas influenced by any literature rich in pleasant or shocking imaginations. Therefore, many critics agree that Lee’s philosophy of racism infused in the story of Tom, the protagonist, can negatively affect the reader’s mind. Research warns educators to be cautious and responsible while teaching, analyzing, and debating the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” or the movie based on this piece of literature because it may impact students’ minds. They fear that the text or movie may begin a series of subtle racist doctrines in the mind of the learners from one generation to another if they indefinitely continue their learning, discussion, and criticism in their institutes. Also, the scholar guides the educators to help the students approach their racism by a parallel understanding of the new racism because the novel presents the ideology in its past form (Macaluso, 2017). The warning of Macaluso in this article shows the risks included in allowing this book in middle and high schools. Although it is possible to educate the children about the difference in racism before and after the civil war in the U.S, the included risk firmly persists in its place because it challenges several generations in a school with this book. Hence, the idea of censorship for this novel is verifiable by the factor of racist ideologies in its themes with a profound impact on young minds.
The second important factor that makes the continuation of this book in learning institutes a hazard is the open discussion around unpleasant and forbidden topics like rape and sexual assault. There are various records of parents’ complaint letters, who requested school authorities to discontinue this book from their children’s syllabus due to the absurdness of its content. Also, there are many thank-you wishes from parents in the record when the administrators banished the book from schools. These parents were highly concerned about their children’s spiritual growth and character building in the institutes where the book was a part of the syllabus. They attempted to save their immature minds from offensive...
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