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English (U.S.)
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Why Earth Day Does Not Matter Anymore?

Essay Instructions:

Because this is a basic English course, so do not write too good. You have to write the response according to the paper “paper title”, and I will upload a response paper as well but it's related to a different subject. Please finish it as soon as possible.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Why Earth Day Does Not Matter Anymore (Student’s name) Literature and Language (Institutional affiliation) Why Earth Day Does Not Matter Anymore (Introduction) In most parts of America, Earth Day is no longer significant and they could barely remember it from their younger years. It is possible that a student has sat in class about recycling, reusing, and reducing waste to teach them about the importance of preserving resources. (Summary) Every person has a connection to the planet and how someone chooses to celebrate it is their choice. There were millions of people who went to the streets, classrooms, and auditoriums to show their support in the importance of keeping Earth clean. Those early events caused the creation of EPA and it was when the Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act were made. Based on research, there were thousands of events in the country celebrating Earth Day with speakers in different schools in various states. This was the time when people celebrated Earth Day in a deeper sense and worked hard to make it meaningful because each person knew they needed to make a contribution. (Bias) Today, the world has a different way of giving importance to Earth Day and different networks are teaming up with partners and communities in 192 countries so that concerns about the environment are addressed. In addition, the movements have been diversified and aside from this, people celebrate an Earth Week instead of just one day. People are now more aware of the environment’s role and they help out in sustaining life more than before. For instance, there is now a good practice of recycling that did not exist 40 years ago, CFL light bulbs have been produced because they are more energy efficient, hybrid cars are being made and also electric cars. There are 1 billion people each year who participate in Earth Day activities and because of this, they do not do it for 1 day anymore. It has become one of the biggest movements that happens on Earth Day. Although, there are people who continue to ignore its significance and think that a post on Facebook is enough to show their participation. It is contributing to the fact that the world is not as united as before when Earth Day comes. To these people who do not make an effort to do more have forgotten the significance of Earth Day and they do not allow it to stand a chance in their lives. Furthermore, they continue to hurt the env...
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