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Why Convicted Felons Shouldn't be Allowed to Vote

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you will revise one of the arguments you drafted in your journal for this module and develop it into a complete argumentative essay. You will be asked to write an argument for the AP English Language and Composition exam, so the more practice you can get, the better! As you revise your draft, you may want to review the example essays in Chapters 10, 11, and 12 of your textbook.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Argumentative Essay
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Argumentative Essay
The issue of whether convicted felons and undocumented immigrants should be permitted to vote has been a contentious topic in the United States for quite some time. While some argue that every American citizen has the right to cast a ballot, others believe that individuals who have committed serious offenses against society should not be allowed to influence the direction of the country (Shaw, 2019). In this essay, I will argue that convicted felons should not be permitted to vote in American elections.
Firstly, let's examine what constitutes a felon. According to Legaldictionary.com, a felony is a serious crime punishable by death or imprisonment for more than one year. Felons have committed actions that threaten the safety and security of innocent citizens (The Sentencing Project, 2021). Given this definition, it becomes clear that individuals who have committed such serious offenses should not be allowed to cast a ballot.
Some argue that denying felons the right to vote violates their civil rights. However, voting in the United States should not be considered an inherent right but rather a privilege. It is a unique benefit, privilege, or immunity given to one person or group (The Sentencing Project, 2021). This privilege should be reserved for law-abiding citizens who are committed to upholding the values and principles of our democratic society (Shaw, 2019). Felons, by definition, have demonstrated a disregard for these values and have committed offenses against society. It is, therefore, reasonable to restrict their privilege to vote due to their actions.
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