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Whether Planned Parenthood Should be Funded or Not

Essay Instructions:

1. Write an essay explaining the history and current status of your public controversy. 

a. Your essay should include: 

• An introduction with a clearly stated thesis and preview statement. 

• Coherent paragraphs in logical order

• A brief conclusion. 

2. Attach an Annotated Bibliography with a minimum of 10 sources. You can use your previous sources as part of your 10, if they seem relevant to this assignment. Otherwise, set them aside in case they prove useful later. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Whether Planned Parenthood should be funded or not
Part 1
Annotated Bibliography
Claeys, V. (2010). Brave and angry: The creation and development of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, 15, S67-S76.
The author explains how donor funding led to the establishment of Planned Parenthood in the United States of America. The author further describes the expenditure incurred by the organization in acquiring contraceptives needed for family planning purposes. Claeys concludes by explaining how the demand for contraceptives has increased due to increasing rate of marriages. The increase in demand calls for more funding from new donors and the federal government. The journal, however, fails to describe the limitations of using contraceptives to reproductive health yet there exist many reported cases concerning side effects in the usage of contraceptives. The article is relevant to the topic under research because contraceptives constitute one of the major services delivered by Planned Parenthood in the United States of America.
Hill, B. (2015). Casey Meets the Crisis Pregnancy Centers. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 43(1), 59-71.
Hill explains the role played by Planned Parenthood in assisting pregnant mothers across the United States of America. The authors describe how attending to pregnant patients has consumed a lot of resources from the organization. The number of expectant mothers visiting Planned Parenthood has been increasing annually. The author describes how things may worsen if the federal government and well-wishers do not come in to raise more funds for the organization. The author explains that failure to increase funding would lead to poor service delivery to pregnant mothers and result to increase in infant mortality rate and maternal mortality ratios. The author concludes by urging the government and other donors to join hands in funding the organization so as to improve the health condition of pregnant mothers. The limitation of the journal is that it fails to compute statistics of successful and miscarried pregnancies handled by the organization. The article is relevant to the research topic because pregnant mothers are among the key clients for Planned Parenthood.
Bernstein, E. (2015). Disclosure two ways. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 43(2), 245-254.
Bernstein begins by disclosing the rate at which Planned Parenthood has conducted abortions in the United States of America. The author reveals that most of the money Planned Parenthood receives facilitates abortions. The author is concerned that theses abortions could be prevented if the organizations could be well funded to educate the general public especially the youth on abstinence from sex before marriage. The Journal notes that most of the abortions are carried out by teenagers in middle-level colleges to avoid responsibility and stress since they are usually not ready for parenthood. The author concludes by urging the federal government to provide funding to Planned Parenthood so as to facilitate campaigns amongst youth on abstinence to reduce cases of abortion that are costly to handle. The limitation of the article is that it fails to give the exact figures of money that would be needed to make the exercise successful. The article is relevant to the research topic because most of Planned Parenthood expenditures go to abortions services.
Linton, P. (2012). The legal status of abortions in the States if Roe v. Wade is overruled. Issues in Law & Medicine, 27(3), 181-228.
Linton begins by giving the legal status of abortions in the country. The law permits abortions in cases where the couples involved are not ready to parent the unborn child. The author explains how legalizing abortion in the United States has increased the number of abortions cases exerting more pressure to the Planned Parenthood. The author concludes by urging the government to increase funding to the organization so as to ensure that rightful procedure and medication is observed to prevent incidences of death in the process of abortion. The limitation of the journal is that it fails to explain the conditions under which abortion may be deemed illegal like in cases where one partner is not consulted. The journal is relevant because the confusion on whether abortion is legal or not has been a major hindrance towards funding the organization by many donors.
Johnsen, D. (2015). Respecting Intent and dispelling stereotypes by Reducing Unintended Pregnancy. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 43(2), 341-344.
Johnsen begins by describing the state of unintended pregnancies in the United States of America. The author explains how the influence of digital media has exposed many youths to sexual life increasing levels of unwanted pregnancies. Dealing with high numbers of such cases has exerted a lot of financial pressure to the Planned Parenthood leading to low-quality services. The author concludes by explaining the need for the donors and the federal government to increase their funding to aid in curbing the situation. The limitation of the journal is that it fails to highlight measures that can be used to reduce cases of unwanted pregnancies in the United States of America. The article is relevant to the research topic because dealing with unintended pregnancies consumes a lot of money from Planned Parenthood.
McMichael, C. (2013). Unplanned but not unwanted? Teen pregnancy and parenthood among young people with refugee backgrounds. Journal of Youth Studies, 16(5), 663-678.
McMichael explains the parental challenges faced by refugees and how costly it is to address such challenges. Most of the refugees with parental issues continue to flood at Planned Parenthood health centers to seek for reproductive health assistance. Since the number of refugees continues expanding the organization often find itself financially constrained and sometimes forced to turn away some patients. McMichael concludes by stressing the need to increase funding towards Planned Parenthood to accommodate more refugees with parental issues. Due to lack of proper shelter and security the number of unwanted pregnancies among teenage refugees has increased, and that calls for more funding to rescue them. The limitation of the article is that it fails to explain how the commission for refugees should collaborate with Planned Parenthood to find a solution to the funding shortage. The journal is relevant to the research topic because refugees are among the people who often visit Planned Parenthood for health services.
Furlong, M. (2010). Planned Gay Father Families in Kinship Arrangements. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 31(4), 372-373.
Furlong explains the tribulations Gay father families face in the society. The group is mistreated and isolated by those who believe that gays are ungodly people. Planned Parenthood is the only place where such people get protection. The author, however, notes that gay families have been on the rise and hence exerting a lot of financial pressure to Planned Parenthood to protect them. Furlong concludes by urging donors and the federal government to fund the Planned Parenthood so that the rights of gay families can be guaranteed as enshrined in the constitution. The article is however limited in explaining the role of gay association in partnering with Planned Parenthood to marshal resources needed to protect their rights. The article is relevant to the research topic because protection of sexual human rights falls under the jurisdiction of Planned Parenthood.
Onat, G., & Beji, N. (2012). Marital relationship and quality of life among couples with infertility. Sexuality & Disability, 30(1), 39-52.
Onat and Beji explain how Planned Parenthood has spent resources in dealing with couples with infertility in the United States of America. The organization has spent a lot of money researching on the causes and treatment of infertility. Many marital relationships have always collapsed due to lack of children and hence Planned Parenthood has been on the run to reduce breakages in relationships by addressing infertility issue. The two authors recommend that the federal government should play a part in establishing healthy marital relationships by funding Planned Parenthood to tackle infertility challenges. The limitation of the journal is that it does not give statistics of infertility rates and hence makes it hard to know the seriousness of the issue. The article is relevant to the research topic because addressing infertility in marital relationships forms part of the Planned Parenthood expenditure.
Conder, J., et al. (2011). Planned pregnancy, planned parenting: enabling choice for adults with a learning disability. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. Jun2011, 39(2), 105-112.
The authors in the article describe how Planned Parenthood has spent a sizeable amount of money to assist adults with the learning disability have good reproductive health. Typically such adults cannot follow instructions and hence they at high risk of undertaking unhealthy practices that would endanger their reproductive health. The organization has continued to spend more resources to ensure close monitoring of such people. The authors conclude by recommending more funding to Planned Parenthood to ensure lives of such people are saved. The article, however, fails to give an overview of statistical numbers of the previous beneficiaries hence making it hard for donors to believe the information. The article is relevant to the research topic because adults with learning disabilities are more vulnerable to poor reproductive health hence they should be given priority in terms of funding by the donors.
Lottes, I. (2013). Sexual rights: Meanings, controversies, and Sexual health promotion. Journal of Sex Research, 50(3/4), 367-391.
Lottes explain how Planned Parenting has spent resources in advancing sexual rights of different groups in the society. The society has been adamant to accommodate bisexuals and homosexuals leading to discrimination of people who fall into such categories. However, the numbers of such cases have been on the increase, and Planned Parenthood finds itself financially constrained. Lottes concludes by urging donors and the federal government to increases their funding to the organization so that all people can enjoy their sexual rights. The limitation of the article is that it does not explain efforts made various human rights champions to address the issue of sexual rights. The article is relevant to the research topic because a reasonable percentage of expenditure incurred by Planned Parenthood goes towards addressing sexual rights in the country.
Part 2
Thesis statement
Should Planned Parenthood be funded or not?
Planned Parenthood is the largest reproductive health service provider in the United States of America. The organization provides services to close to 3 million patients annually (Claeys, 2010). To enhance service delivery to the citizens, Planned Parenthood operat...
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