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Writing Discussion About What Work Means in America

Essay Instructions:

Your final paper in this course will examine Americans and our relationship with work, with jobs, with the thing most people conflate with their identity, with the thing most people will spend a third of their waking lives on for most of their lives. Ultimately, we want to understand better what work "means" in America.

While this essay needs to deal with work in some way, you can look at it through any lens you want. You may look at how work is portrayed, or not, in a movie, tv series/episode of any kind, in comics, in advertisements, traditions, folklore including jokes and proverbs, podcasts, artifacts, or just in the attitudes or behaviors you see around you. Find something, and nearly anything will do, that says something about America's relationship with or attitudes towards work, and find something worth saying about that.
Remember to describe and analyze whatever you choose to focus on and to keep your paper focused. For instance, don't try to cover an entire series of a show if one episode will do, or a whole comic book series if one issue or story line or even one character will do. At the same time, you may want to look at one issue regarding work over multiple texts. Just don't have so many that your paper becomes a list of examples of what you're trying to say.

Finally, while you should address work, your focus (and thus your thesis) may deal with something else entirely, but whatever it is, it should focus on revealing something (values, attitudes, beliefs, practices) about America or its people.

Requirements and turning it in.

Your final paper should be 4-5 pages (~1250 words), double-spaced in 12pt Times New Roman font and submitted to CANVAS and turnitin.psu.edu by midnight (11:59pm) on the due date.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

What Work Means In America
Institutional affiliation
What Work Means in America
American are the occupants and citizens of United States of America. There are about 320 million Americans who are either born or migrated to United State of America and thus the equality of being an American national is based on the citizenship and not on ethnicity. United State being the most diverse country in the world due to the mixing and mingling of different cultures and behaviors have vast things that a typical American conduct and behave themselves to fit in the society. TV shows you watch, how to spend your weekends, dressing code, legal standing, type and condition of work you do are some of the key look-outs to take into account if you are new in United States. Some believes and character that are only unique to Americans include the strict adherence to the laws, worshiping and feasibility (Horrigan, 2010). Most Americans mind their own business and they strictly follow their work schedules that they have set and work very hard to make their life better without interfering with their neighbor’s life or activities. Work is probably the most essential of any America’s citizen. Everyone wants to at least make their ends meet and put a bread on their tables for either themselves or their families. Being a developed country, United States has more jobs that are at the disposal of all Americans who are viable for the position despite their origin, sex, age or color. There are many working and self-employed Americans relationship with their jobs is different. Some are working for passion others for money and some work for fun. Here are some of the way that work means to most Americans.
Work is portrayed as the source of money and daily bread for many Americans. Without working many Americans would be struggling to survive because they wouldn’t even get the food they are eating. This is mostly for the working and lower economic divisions in the social frameworks. These people depend almost entirely on their salaries and wages to pay the bills and provide the basic needs and to uplift themselves for their lives to where their money can take them. Most of these people live a hand to mouth life and they barely have savings due to the demanding life necessitates that must be catered for a person to survive like the other Americans. However most of them turn into other illegal and dangerous undertaking like robbery and drugs dealing for the provision of basic needs and other necessary to survive. In the musical drama series Empire, Terrence Howard and Taraji Henson characters depicts the life of hand to mouth before founding the multi-million-dollar company. Howard whose film and acting name is Lucious Lyon after living such a life and struggling to raise his family of five turns to drug dealing where he finds money to pioneer the music company. This life portrayed in this film show that to some Americans, work is a necessity that must be there for them to survive.
Passion is another reason that most of the Americans are working today. These are mostly the middle class people that are financially stable and can survive and live a good life with all the basic needs easily provided. These are people with bank account that are relatively with good figures. Most of them are ex workers who have earned enough and want to live the American dream of living the way you want (Robins...
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