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Wellness audit report for Childcare

Essay Instructions:
Task Instructions For this task you will only need to have covered the material in Topic 1 (wellness....and attachments will follow) and the associated Reading/Article (Donatelle). You must follow the report format that is provided below. Title: Analyse a childcare and how it is catering for the wellness and wellbeing of children in the six dimensions of health? Use the Background section of the report to explain the six dimensions of health. (The Donatelle article should be used as the frameworkf for this essay). Table of contents: This is a list of the various headings with associated page numbers. Purpose or introduction: This is where you explain the aim of the report and who it is directed to (being the professor Dr Sutherland). Background: Why is this report needed? Explain the six dimensions of health (Donatelle, 2006) and use this to explain to the reader why wellness and wellbeing are important in early childhood education and care. Discussion: Discuss each dimension of health and explain what is happening or not happening to support children's wellness and wellbeing in this childcare. Conclusion: Here you need to identify aspects that could be improved. Recommendations: These are drawn from your conclusions and are the things that could be done and by whom to improve wellness and wellbeing for children in your service. You may also like to indicate the priority that you see for each recommendation. References: APA referencing guide. Appendices: You may like to include copies of policies etc that provide evidence of the things you have reported on above. Please remember to remove any reference to a real service to ensure confidentiality. Rationale As you proceed through the topic of wellness you should begin to reflect on a childcare, or one you have worked in previously and think about how they are or are not providing for the wellness and wellbeing of ALL children. Look especially at issues of equity and diversity. This task is designed to take a close and reflective look at how this service provides for the 6 dimensions of health as outlined by Donatelle (2006) in the attachment to come. This task asks you to think about what aspects are being addressed in this childcare and what dimensions could be addressed more effectively. * things to keep inmind: -Try not to be bias -The article by Donatelle should be used as your guide -the other articles should be used to support your argument and make the paper stronger =========ADMIN===============Dear Writer, this is a small revision, order was released because of an emergency with the original writer. Here are the revision instructions: This was very well written, however there was one large peice that ws forgotten. You analysed and wrote about society, where as in this assignment it asks you to analyse a childcare centre. In the intructions it states "Analyse a childcare and how it is catering for the wellness and wellbeing of children in the six dimensions of health?" I've mentioned that on numerous occassions in the intructions. "reflect on a childcare", "remove real names of childcare centres", "This task asks you to think about what aspects are being addressed in this childcare"...etc I'm really happy it was done in advance so that we have time to make those adjustments IF and when needed, like in this situation.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Grade Course:
Tutor’s Name:
(21 February 2011)

Table of Contents
 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc286096176" Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc286096176 \h 3
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc286096177" Background  PAGEREF _Toc286096177 \h 4
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc286096178" Discussion  PAGEREF _Toc286096178 \h 4
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc286096179" Conclusion  PAGEREF _Toc286096179 \h 8
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc286096180" Recommendations  PAGEREF _Toc286096180 \h 9
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc286096181" References  PAGEREF _Toc286096181 \h 11

Children, defined generally as those individuals who are below the age of 18 years old (Definition of the Child, 2000), have yet to rise to their functions and roles in society. According to a census made last 2002, children 0-14 years of age were shown to comprise about 2 billion of the global population and outnumbered all the other age groups. The study has also made projections of the group population and dictates that the children age group will remain relatively constant at 30% up until the next fifty years (U.S. Census Bureau, 2004). A clear sign of wellness and health in society is evidenced by healthy children, making communities more dynamic.
This paper has the objective of discussing the current condition of health care which influences their general well-being in a large and significant way. The report also took into significant consideration economic status as an important determinant of the child’s environment. The study attempts to respond to the question: “How does the wellness of children living in a poor nation differ from those in affluent nations?” There will also be a discussion about the plans that are aiming for the improvement of the system at health care, such as the newly revised Healthy People 2010 (Donatelle, 2006), and the inclusion of theoretical viewpoints. A report that utilizes these collections of empirical, scientific and systematic knowledge and data from previous studies ensures more objective and valid assertions. Recommendations on the possible courses of action that focus on aspects of children health care towards authentic healthcare transformation are cited.
This report of a closer examination of the health care system delivered to children is directed to Dr. Sutherland. Ultimately, the purpose of this study is to come up with an aggregation of relevant information about child health care, including their implications on the well-being of the child.
Maroubra Child Care Centre is committed to the provision of high quality childcare to all children and families at the centre. Maroubra Child Care Centre has typically used health and wellness conversely. In actual sense, the centre has defined the two terms differently in different circumstances. Unlike before, however, Maroubra Child Care Centre now has a higher standard for health not merely regarding it as the absence of sickness (Donatelle, 2006). Throughout this report, health has been defined as the dynamic process of accomplishing possible capacity in each person on the dimensions of health. Wellness will be defined as the actualization of the optimum level of the dimensions of health (Donatelle, 2006). To achieve wellness, Maroubra Child Care Centre is much successful at achieving the dimensions of health—physical health, intellectual health, social health, emotional health, environmental health and spiritual health. Each of the dimensions has been characterized as complimentary to one another. A child could not be considered as being healthy with failure to attain one of the dimensions (Donatelle, 2006). Therefore, the attainment of the well-being of children necessitates that Maroubra Child Care Centre staff is properly educated on the six dimensions of health and how each dimension may be addressed pragmatically.
Physical health is the most familiar concept of health that children have. This is the most fundamental dimension in which they consider the attributes, conditions and capabilities of children’s body (Donatelle, 2006). To attain success in the other dimensions, children must achieve physical well-being. Additionally, intellectual health is defined as children’s capacity for reasoning, analysis, learning or any ability of the brain which we efficiently use every day. An intellectually capable child would not only be successful in learning from experiences or analyzing life situations but could effectively come up with solutions to any difficulties that arise. Children must be equipped with this ability. Social health pertains to chioldren’s ability to establish effectively relate and interact with other children and other people as well as cope with changes in the social environment (Donatelle, 2006). A child for that matter is in need of this dimension as a functioning unit which Maroubra Child Care Centre staff has been educated upon to provide to the society. Emotional well-being arises from emotional health. It involves children’s capability to control and respond with the right emotions to situations in their life. This is also very crucial for the well-being of a child because it includes their feelings of confidence, love and trust for theselves and for others. Environmental health is the centre’s concern for the state of children’s environment as individuals who have the obligation to maintain, guard, and develop it (Donatelle, 2006). The Maroubra Child Care Centre staff, is well acquainted with the notion that, in Children who have been properly cared for and have achieved holistic well-being are aware of their responsibility to the continuity of the environment, hence have been educated to ensure that this objective is attained in their children. Finally, spiritual health, which refers to children’s faiths in a supreme being, feeling of being united with his or her environment and sense of life value, completes the well-being of a child (Donatelle, 2006). The centre has taken spiritual health dimension to assist their children in realizing their purpose and experience emotions that make for an even deeper, grander and richer way of life.
To effectively pinpoint the faults in Maroubra Child Care Centre system for the children, it is good to look at the current conditions of dthe society as a whole. According to a past publication, the centre raise children in a culture of impatience and undoubtedly, this have negative effects on them (Neville, 1999). Examining Maroubra Child Care Centre, the centre is still at the age, where technology has been swiftly advancing and people’s beliefs are inevitably evolving, children have grown addicted to the rapid acceleration of life. Children fail to receive proper nutrition because their parents have to work, which leads back to the desire to save in order to purchase things that are sometimes considered not necessary, rather than following trends outlined in Maroubra Child Care Centre. How could then children be raised with well-being? The effect that is quite disturbing is how parents and guardians are able to throw away relationships so quickly. Divorces and separations have been commonplace in the community. What then, will become of the children? Growing up would be difficult where children could be tossed around like a ping-pong ball, back and forth between their parents and there is p...
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