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We Are What We Eat: Health Of Our Body

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We Are What We Eat Essay It’s safe to mention that we are what we eat, meaning if we will eat healthy foods, our bodies will definitely show its good signs. On the other hand, if we increase our dependence on unhealthy or junk foods, then it may not be possible for us to maintain our weight and the activeness of the brain. It is very unfortunate that these days, people are more into eating burgers, pizzas, French fries, and other similar meals, and this ruins their lives and health to an extent. What should I eat? How can I enjoy a healthy and fit life? You may try the following foods in order to ensure your health and sustainability. Berries Health experts have now proved that berries are a good source of minerals, proteins, and fibers. It means we should eat them once or twice a day to get enough nutrients and to keep our bodies and minds active. In addition, berries aid in digestion and regulate the blood flow in the body. It is a common observation that most Americans do not get enough fibers, which is possible only when they increase their dependence on berries or other foods that contain fibers. It is good for the heart and brain and helps keep the body weight to a minimum. When berries are not available due to the off-season, then we can buy them in frozen form especially the ones which come without any sweetener or artificial flavors. Eggs Whether you live in a hot climate or the winter, it is must for you to eat at least one egg per day in order to ensure your health. It is true that we are what we choose to be, and this is why we should increase our dependence on eggs as they are a rich source of calcium and proteins. The experts say that egg whites are themselves made from pure proteins, and are good for someone who has nail problem, skin problem, stomach issues or other similar complications. On an average, five eggs should be eaten per week, or even more, can be eaten depending on one’s body requirements and expectations. Green tea We are what we consume, and there is no doubt in this thing. Those who want to shed extra pounds should consume green tea once or twice per day. Health experts claim that green tea is not only good to burn fat droplets, but also is good to regulate the flow of blood in the body. It also plays a vital role in strengthening the digestive system, especially the stomach. However, excessive or unwise use of green tea is what we should avoid as it can cause serious health complications such as high blood pressure. On average, one cup of green tea is good for human health. Nuts Can you tell me what is meant by you are what you eat definition? It is true that nuts should be an integral part of our daily diets. In fact, they have loads of fibers and essential nutrients needed by the body to regulate its functions and to perform well. That is why any person who is ...
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