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Walking Distance – Symbolic and Psychological Journey

Essay Instructions:

-For the past several weeks, we have studied how the journey has been used in literature as an organizing motif. Specifically, we have seen how this journey is usually symbolic and represents a journey of self-discovery. Students are to watch the TV episode of The Twilight Zone entitled “Walking Distance” and respond to the following statement in a formal essay:

When characters in Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone enter that nebulous region “between light and shadow, between science and superstition”, they are often embarking on a psychological journey of self-discovery.”

In an essay of approximately 750 words (3-4 pages), explain how Martin Sloan’s journey to Homewood is both symbolic and psychological.

-No title page required, I already have one

-3 pages

-Formal essay, third person


Part 1: Introduction

1st sentence - broad comment or statement

2nd and 3rd sentences - Narrow the focus: mention author, literary work and topic.

4th sentence (5th and 6th) - outline your argument (3 points)

Final Sentence - Thesis statement (clear, concise statement of opinion).

Part 2

1st Point - Weakest point first (lay the foundation of your argument)

-3 proofs or pieces of evidence to support yourself (quotations or references to the text).

Part 3

2nd Point - Second strongest point (build on your foundation)

-3 proofs or pieces of evidence to support yourself (quotations or references to the text)

Part 4

3rd point -Strongest (and sometimes most controversial) point in your essay.

-3 proofs or pieces of evidence to support yourself (quotations or references to the text).

Part 5: Conclusion

1st sentence -restatement of thesis (use other words but summarize what you said in intro)

2nd and 3rd sentences - recap your argument

4th sentence - Apply conclusions of essay to life or “human condition.”

Final Sentence - Clincher which leaves reader thinking about topic (love, violence, the nature of evil, etc.)

Tips and Helpful Hints

I. Do NOT write in the 1st person (“I think” or “I believe”)

II. Integrate all quotations smoothly into the text (Longer passages must be set apart with colons (no quotation marks).

III. Use clear, concise language. Clarity is far more valuable than stylistic “flair”.

IV. Only take what you need from the plot to prove your points. You do not need to re-tell the whole story.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Twilight Zone Episode: Walking Distance – Symbolic and Psychological Journey Name Institution Due Date Twilight Zone Episode: Walking Distance – Symbolic and Psychological Journey When characters in Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone enter that nebulous region “between light and shadow, between science and superstition”, they are often embarking on a psychological journey of self-discovery.” Explain how Martin Sloan’s journey to Homewood is both symbolic and psychological. In today’s adrenaline-powered world, it is possible to fall back to the familiar things of the past. It is possible to long for one’s childhood world and neglect one’s adulthood world. People can reminisce and try their best to stay in their minds long enough to ignore or run away from their future. There are people who associate or relate to their childhoods at a highly nostalgic level. These people will often get defensive of their past and drive conversations towards their childhood days. To some people, the past means a lot because it represents a moment in their life when they were truly happy and could genuinely laugh without worrying about the next day. Walking Distance does its best to capture the life of a man whose present circumstance is pushing him to trace his roots. Martin Sloan’s journey home is both psychological and symbolic as it mostly happens in his mind with the different perspectives appear to be in competition with each other. It is also symbolic because of the use of characters like his father, mother, Mr. Wilson, and an object like the park. However, through it all, Rod Serling does manage to get his message out: one can never go home again. One can fantasize, reminisce, and keep the memories of the past alive, but they can never go home again. The use of symbolism helps to communicate the notion that people ought to leave their childish ways behind. In one particular scene of the episode Walking Distance, Martin is seen having a conversation with his father. At one point, Martin tells his father that “one day I knew I had to come back here.” However, his father makes it clear to him that it is not his moment and that he needs to go back to the future and leave the younger Martin to live his life. His father tells him that “you have to leave here. There is no room. There is no place.” The next bit is quite sad but factual as his father tells him that there is one chance. The symbolic image of his father is adamant that Martin had to find a way to be comfor...
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