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Vendleresque Essay on the Poem "A Blessing" by James Wright

Essay Instructions:

In Joshua Bennet's The Sobbing School, and Richard Blanco's Looking for the Sobbing School. Read at least three poems from each text and choose one that you find powerful and engaging and would like to explore further. Then write a Vendleresque essay on that poem. The vendleresque essay is to analyze the poem in the way listed in the attached document "expiring poem", and write an essay with a format and similar style to the example of the attached document "more vender essays". Please complete as soon as possible. Thank you!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Vendleresque Essay
A Blessing by James Wright
James Wright provides a romantic appreciation of the emotional connection between two individuals through a third person narration. The narrator describes a memorable experience during a visit to Rochester, Minnesota that correlates or is somewhat reminiscent of a desired or existing relationship with a friend. The poet is quick to establish a connection with the reader through the present tense presentation, which helps the reader to relate to the intricate details of the immediate scenery described by the narrator. The vivid description of the place the narrator is visiting with a friend in both lines 1 and 2 of the poem, for instance, play a significant role in creating a mental picture of the situation. The present tense narration or description of the pasturing ponies in lines 3 and 4 further enhances the reader’s visualization of the poem’s scenery. The narrator speaks highly of the features within the vicinity in recognition of the distinctive features that meet the eye with open admiration. In Line 12, There is no loneliness like theirs; the speaker exposes his appreciation of the ponies’ perceived satisfaction in their solitude in the company of each other. The ponies seem to be content in the company of each other, and the warmth of their connection is evident to both the speaker and the friend as it radiates through the warm welcome they receive from them. The emotional contentment in the company of each other by the two ponies reflects to th...
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