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Universal Design Language Universal Design Learning

Essay Instructions:

The objective of this assignment is to understand and apply the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in an early learning indoor and outdoor space.

1 indoor space

1 outdoor space

The children you are planning for are ages 3 – 5 years

Use the textbook “creating inclusive learning environment for young children”, articles on UDL, connect ability, previously used textbooks and use appropriate in-text citations.

Use detailed drawing/computer to create

1. Choose any indoor area in an early learning setting (childcare, Kindergarten classroom, OEYC play area, Family Literacy play area, special setting). AND

2. Choose any outdoor play space in an early learning setting (childcare, Kindergarten or other)

You will draw by hand or you may use the computer to create an indoor and an outdoor play space of an early learning setting that do demonstrate Universal Design for

Learning principles and inclusive design principles.

Include a description of the areas, and how they demonstrate UDL principles and inclusive design principles. (1 page)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Universal Design Language Universal Design Learning
Institutional Affiliation
The Universal Design Learning (UDL) is considered as one of the basic and preferred mode of teaching the students about the basic cognitive skills. There are two activities being planned in this research aimed at developing the basic cognitive and scientific skills. The research selects the mechanism of the “plant growth” as it is one of the first natural materials with which children interact. The classroom activity focuses on developing basic knowledge about the plant growth in the students. The second phase is the outdoor activity in which plants are grown by students themselves and labelled as zoologists to motivate them. The successful plantation of the plants by the students, therefore, represents the effectiveness of both activities.
Universal Design Learning
* The goal of this paper is to design indoor and outdoor activities for kindergarten students to learn about basic scientific facts. The learning activity consists of two parts, the Universal Design Learning (UDL) is an approach which encourages the use of practical work since the early life of the students (Ableser, 2017). This research uses ‘plants and their growth’ as a topic for study in this essay. Plants are one of the natural materials which have some sort of interaction with children and most of the children are fascinated by flowers, plant’s growth, and their nutrition (Ableser, 2017).
* Indoor Activity: The plants are one of the beautiful creatures of nature. The plants and their basic properties can be an interesting topic for the students. The teachers can teach basic concepts like seeds, the role of appropriate water, and growth of plant using appropriate light. The activity plan can be represented in the following figure:
21971004445Introducing the plants to students00Introducing the plants to students
236855099695Explaining seed’s role00Explaining seed’s role
2159002223135Evaluating Feedback00Evaluating Feedback146050024453853784600175323525908002292985Presenting Pictures of Plants0Presenting Pictures of Plants135890017786356731001321435The sunlight’s roleThe sunlight’s role40386001302385Growing of plantGrowing of...
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