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United Airline Pilot Training Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:


Assignment #2 Due 10/19/18

Read the two attached articles and attached SAFO report and write a 500-750 word essay relating United's new pilot training and its relation to CRM. Make sure your spelling, grammar, and citations (if necessary) are correct.


Please present your essay on a Microsoft Word Document using Standard APA formatting and cite any sources using the same APA standard formatting.

Please refer to the APA formatting as shown in the Owl Purdue Writing Lab.



Be sure to cite your references and remember:

Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable reference source!!! Do NOT use it as a reference in your writing!!! Points WILL be deducted!



New United Air Pilot Training Could Raise Safety Bar for Industry.docx

United Calls in Pilots for Extra Training.docx


Essay Sample Content Preview:

United Airline Pilot Training
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In December 1978, a United Airlines commercial aircraft DC-8 carrying eight crew and over 180 passengers crashed outside Portland. In this accident, eight passengers and two crew members lost their lives, and this prompted the airline to take serious measures as soon as possible. Investigation reports revealed that the crew’s inability to work and speak with each other and carelessness were the reasons behind this crash. In addition to the United Airlines, various other airline companies announced that they would adopt training for all crew members (Pasztor & Carey, 2016). Thus, the new training program, called Crew Resource Management (CRM), is now considered mandatory for all crews.
Crew resource management, also known as cockpit resource management, is a set of training procedures used in environments where chances of human errors are high. It is primarily used by United Airlines and other airline companies to improve air safety and reduce the chances of devastating effects. Its core areas are ship handling, medical operation rooms, firefighting, and air traffic control.
It’s safe to say that the crew resource management focuses on leadership, decision making, and interpersonal communication skills of the crews, and it prepares them to face challenges during the flight and to cope up with problems immediately so that air accidents can be avoided. The pioneer of crew resource management was David Beaty, a BOAC pilot and Royal Air Force pi...
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