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Understanding the Influence of Technology in Leadership

Essay Instructions:

Leaders need to understand how technology influences leadership and plays a role in work, work processes, organizational culture, and performance as organizations move toward a collaborative style that creates flatter organizations, project teams, and other unique traits. In addition, what is perceived to be ethical in one culture may not be perceived to be ethical in another, requiring leaders to understand how to make ethical decisions in diverse groups. In this assignment, you will discusses the ways leaders can meet the future ethical challenges of technology and diversity in organizations.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

View the videos by Townes-Whitley (2017) and Leonhard (2014).

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.


Write a paper (1,000-1,250 words) that addresses the ways leaders can meet the future ethical challenges of technology and diversity in organizations. Include the following in your paper:

A discussion of the potential ethical issues leaders may encounter in managing technology and diversity in an organization.

A research supported discussion of strategies a leader can use to mitigate potential ethical issues created by technology and diversity. (Benchmarks C5.1: Develop a leadership style that can respond to the challenges and opportunities inherent in a global environment.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Technology, Diversity, and Ethics
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Technology, Diversity, and Ethics
Technology and its use in organizations have been associated with improved efficiency and performance at the workplace. However, leaders, especially those diverse managing teams, need to understand how to effectively manage technology and diversity to facilitate ethical behaviors and decision-making. Organizations that manage diversity and ethics appropriately drastically improve their performance because they understand that employees from diverse groups have different ethical values (Dagogo & Ehior, 2019). Acknowledging these differences and leveraging them can help organizations gain a competitive advantage because they reflect the society that the organization serves. Integrating diversity and technology can be a powerful tool for organizations, but it can also raise ethical issues. As Martin, Shilton, and Smith (2019) indicate, leaders of organizations have a responsibility to ensure that any ethical issues arising from the use of technology in the organization are addressed. This paper explores some of the potential ethical concerns that leaders may encounter in managing technology and diversity. It also recommends strategies that leaders can use to address these ethical concerns.
Potential Ethical Issues
One of the main ethical issues that arise from managing technology and diversity is privacy. In a diverse team, leaders can use technology to create transparency and promote awareness among members of the organization (Morrison-Smith & Ruiz, 2020). Oftentimes, managing diverse teams can be clouded by ignorance, where members of one diverse group are ignorant of the other group and their values, beliefs, and norms. However, through technology, leaders can ensure that diverse groups of employees feel connected by sharing information that creates awareness. However, as Morrison-Smith and Ruiz (2020) indicate, this can also raise ethical concerns about privacy. Leaders and employees also use technology to share information and create awareness need to ensure that they are not infringing privacy rights in the process. The more information is shared, the more vulnerable people become. In addition, people from diverse groups have very different degrees of privacy and might consider sharing some information as an infringement of privacy. For instance, collectivistic may not feel the same about privacy as individualistic societies. There is also the issue of balancing the need for employee privacy and employee monitoring. Modern leaders are using data-driven technologies to monitor employee behavior at work. However, sometimes they monitor behavior that is not related to work (Ebert, Wildhaber, & Adams-Prassi, 2021), causing ethical issues because this can be seen as an infringement of privacy.
Another issue is algorithmic bias, especially arising from recruiting automation. The use of algorithms in decision-making has become prominent, but it also raises potential ethical issues. Algorithms make decisions based on their data (Martin, Shilton, & Smith, 2019; Townes-Whitley, 2017). When leaders decide to use automation for the entire hiring process, they risk using biased data, which can cause discrimination against certain groups, such as people of color. This is an ethical issue arising from technology that threatens workplace diversity.
Technology has also facilitated telework and virtual teams across different geographical regions. However, leaders face the ethical issue of employee exploitation while managing virtual and diverse teams. According to Contreras, Baykal, and Abid (2020), leaders managing virtual teams often overload employees with information overlapping their domestic life. With virtual teams, the line between work and home becomes blurred, and leaders may exploit their employees by expecting them to respond to e-mails or other work-related queries while they are supposed to be home dealing with personal issues. This may be okay among certain diverse teams who place a high value on their work but may not sit well with those who value autonomy and work-life balance.
Strategies for Mitigating Pot...
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