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Understanding Gender Beliefs

Essay Instructions:

Gender is a central concept in our beliefs about families and intimate relationships. This week’s learning resources look at the ways the reality of gender identity and gender roles in family life may differ from some idealized notion of the perfect family, or the perfect life partner.

As a response to this post,

  1. Briefly describe what you think Americans today believe gender roles should be within a family, including both parents and children, and why you think that (for example: from the television, film, other media, parents, school, religion, etc.).
  2. Briefly discuss how well you think gender roles in American families in reality match up with that ideal, and why any differences between the real and the ideal exist (this is a good place to bring in the reading).
  3. At greater length, and with direct references to the learning resources, discuss ONE of the following topics:

Choice A: How can the differences between ideal gender roles and real gender roles be explained? How can these differences between the ideal and real lead to conflict within the family (relationships between adults, and/or relationships between parents and children)? How do ideas about gender roles make conflicts more or less likely? How can families navigate these conflicts successfully?  How is intimate partner violence or child abuse, or the outcome of this abuse, connected to gender issues? Consider intersectional identities in your response, including families of different races, classes, gender identities, and sexual orientations.


Choice B: Consider this week’s topics from the perspective of children in families. How does the relationship between ideal and real gender roles and gender identity affect children? How is the relationship of the child to the family different from the relationship of the parent to the family? How do different marital relationships affect children (heterosexual marriage, homosexual marriage, blended families, single-parent households, cohabiting households)? How might ideas about gender identity or gender roles affect a child’s experience in a family, for good or for bad? How might a transgender child or parent affect those relationships? Consider intersectional identities in your response, including families of different races, classes, gender identities, and sexual orientations.

If you are interested in more data and discussion about how gender roles are changing in American families, browse The Pew Research Center's list of articles analyzing contemporary families: Pew Research Center Social & Demographic Trends: Family and Relationships. Feel free to use any information you find here in your response, or to post a particularly interesting article to the Student Lounge for all of us to discuss. Be sure to tell us what you found so interesting if you do so!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 4 Discussion Topic: Choice A
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Week 4 Discussion Topic Choice A
Gender is a centre is one of the central themes when discussing families and intimate relationships. The reality of gender identities and gender roles in family life vary from some idealized notions of the perfect family or the perfect life partner. Families vary in their patterns of parents' and children's gender role attitudes. The U.S family system appears to create a gendered society in terms of gender roles and indent. Boys and girls, and men and women are predominantly aligned to perform one’s biologically assigned gender via certain behaviors, practices and attitudes, within family settings that are particular expectations bestowed upon one’s gender. Social systems such as school, media, religion and the film industry have far-reaching implications on beliefs, practices and attitudes regarding gender roles and identities in the family. These social institutions can reinforce transitional or mainstay beliefs, attuites and practices regarding gender roles and identities. For instance, mainstream media and schooling systems may reinforce feminine and masculine attributes, gender roles and identity to boys and girls or women and men in families, respectively.
Gender beliefs about gender roles and identity in the U.S tend to vary and have drastically changed over time. With the growing popularity of social constructionist theories of gender roles, it is critical to note that all assertions regarding gender roles are culturally and historically contingent, which imply that what might be true of gender roles in the U.S for one cultural group may be untrue for another cultural group (Lumen Lear...
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