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Essay Instructions:
The History of Autism Spectrum Disorder Purpose: The historical and theoretical foundations of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have greatly influenced the understanding of ASD. Understanding how ASD was diagnosed and viewed throughout key historical events is important when considering how to assist children with ASD today. Directions: For this assignment, you will write an informative essay to analyze five historical and theoretical events. The five historical and theoretical events are: Pioneer views of ASD prior to 1900s Clinicians and researchers associated autism spectrum disorder with “refrigerator mothers” and childhood schizophrenia The standardization of diagnostic criteria for ASD, including a discussion of Ivar Lovaas’ intensive behavior therapy results The study published by Andrew Wakefield in 1998 suggesting that the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine causes autism Revision of the DSM-5 Your informative essay should include the following: Title page in current APA style Provide information on each historical event Explain how each event was important to the study of ASD Explain how perceptions of ASD have changed over time Explain how this knowledge will help support children with ASD Conclusion summarizing the information Reference page in current APA style Assignment Guidelines Your essay should be 2–3 pages in length, with a separate title and reference page. Please include at least three different references in your responses and properly cite all sources using current APA formatting and citation style. Your full references should be listed alphabetically on the reference page. If you need assistance with APA style,
Essay Sample Content Preview:
History of ASD Name Institution Course Code and Title Instructor Date History of ASD Progress made in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has been due to a number of historical events. A major impact from the events has been more clarity on the disorder and how to support autistic children. The events have helped in creating a supportive perception to ASD patients, thus guaranteeing more specialized attention to ease how autistic children fit in the society. Information of Historical Events In the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, those with ASD behaviors were classified under broad labels like insanity. Nevertheless, in the nineteenth century, many medical practitioners including Edouard Séguin tried to develop clear understanding on ASD through illustrating how it is an intellectual and developmental disability (Jackman & Zwaigenbaum, 2023). Séguin’s work therefore, was an example of scientific achievements prior to 1900s in ASD where it indirectly helped to define such conditions as autism through his endeavors such as developing teaching approaches to cater for individuals with learning difficulties. The “refrigerator mothers” and childhood schizophrenia hypothesis was first advanced by Leo Kanner in 1940s. It was later taken up by the psychoanalyst Bruno Bettelheim. Kanner, the scientist who observed autism for the first time in 1943, associated this particular disease with the lack of the mother’s affection (Jackman & Zwaigenbaum, 2023). Bettelheim was paraphrasing this in the 1950s and 1960s, and he was claiming that his clients’ unemotional and unsympathetic mothers made their kids socially isolate themselves and become autistic. Despite having passed through various stages in the diagnostic advancement, the diagnostic criteria of ASD have been remarkably developed in the clinical research and practice. Out of these accomplishments, one of the most significant works was that of Ivar Lovaas, whose work in the intensive behavior therapy has helped revolutionize modern approaches to treating such condition as autism (Jackman & Zwaigenbaum, 2023). Lovaas’ study described about the outcome of one child with autism got by using capturing behavioral intervention with young children with autism. In the study ea...
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