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Types and Reasons of Vegetarianism, Ethical Issues, and Religious Beliefs

Essay Instructions:

research paper on vegetarianism
Volume of text: 1000-1200 words
Text uniqueness: 95%+ (check according to turnitin)
Structure: A research paper sample has to follow the basic structure and be properly divided into paragraphs; it should include an introduction, methods, discussion (body), and a conclusion (results).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Vegetarianism is the practice of abstaining from consuming animal products especially meat and or other animal products. A vegetarian can be defined as a person ‘who lives on a diet of grains, pulses, legumes, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, fungi, algae, yeast and/or some other non-animal-based foods (e.g. Salt) with, or without, dairy products, honey and/or eggs.’ A vegetarian does not also consume food that has been ‘produced with the aid of products consisting of or created from, any part of the body of a living or dead animal.’ There are different types of vegetarians depended on their preference or choices on which animal products they can consume. This classification is mainly on the lines of consumption of dairy products and eggs. It is a practice mainly influenced by health issues, environmental, and ethical concerns. Vegans are the people who practice vegetarianism. Vegans rely on plants for their nutrition be balanced, and many people perceive this abstinence in animal products as healthier and have become a widely accepted norm in many societies though not necessarily backed by scientific facts.
Types of vegetarianism
These individuals eat eggs and dairy products. Lacto-ovo-vegetarians also do not consume meat. They, however, do not consume meat. This is the most common type of vegetarianism. For some people, avoiding to consume meat is what constitutes vegetarianism, and though it is not entirely true from the perspective of other vegetarians, it is the most prevalent type of vegetarianism. Most of the people who opt for this kind of vegetarianism cite ethical reasons for their decisions. They believe they should not kill other sentient creatures to consume their bodies and thus they turn to the most common by-products because they do not hurt the sentient creature, at least not directly.
Lacto-vegetarians eat dairy products but not eggs. Lacto-vegetarians also do not consume meat. Just like lacto-ovo-vegetarians, their reasons are more related to their personal beliefs or culture and ethical grounds. They believe eating eggs denies another creature existence. According to them, and egg is another young creature just in another form. They hence turn to dairy products because it does not threaten the life of the animal or its young one.
Ovo-vegetarians eat dairy products but avoid eggs. Ovo-vegetarians also do not consume meat. Most of the people in this group cite health issues as their reasons to avoid eggs. Some claim it is the smell or their appearance. For some people, eating eggs triggers allergic reactions, and therefore they opt to avoid them.
Vegans do not consume dairy products, eggs, or any product which can be directly or indirect be derived from animals. It is, however, dangerous because their alternative diet may fail to have sufficient nutrients for growth and development. For those who...
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