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There are benefits of human cloning

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Human Cloning is Beneficial (Name) (University) (Course) (Tutor) (Date) In the contemporary times, emerging reproductive technologies have the capacity to either replenish or ravage families. The most remarkable among these groundbreaking technologies is cloning. In the recent past, scientists and researchers have been able to produce functional genetic replicas of several organisms, a development that significantly enhances the possibility for successful human cloning. However, the prospect for human cloning has elicited considerable controversy with some of its critics questioning the morality of reproducing fellow human beings by means of cloning. Similarly, other people have questioned the potential benefits associated with human cloning arguing that its disadvantages and negative implications on the society greatly outweigh the purported advantages (Kilner, 2002). Therefore, based on this background, this paper seeks persuasively argue that human cloning could be extremely beneficial to humankind given its projected ability to considerably improve the quality of life. By and large, proponents of human cloning and genetic scientists cite several benefits that could be derived from the adoption of this technology. To begin with, human cloning has the potential to remedy infertility among couples (Humber & Almeder, 2010). Currently, the options available for curing infertility expose the affected couples to both emotionally and physically torturous procedures that have no guarantee for success. In most instances, the affected individuals exhaust their energy and resources devoid of any success. With human cloning, however, infertile couples can have genetically similar offspring reproduced from their own cells through nuclear transfer. Consequently, couples who previously could not have a baby will be able produce technologically assisted children and subsequently share in the joy of parenthood (WVU, n.d). Thus, human cloning can help remedy infertility among human beings besides eliminating the strain associated with current sterility treatments. Secondly, human cloning can greatly augment such medical procedures as cosmetic, reconstructive and plastic surgery. This can be achieved through cloning and production of fat, cartilage, bones, connective and other body tissues that exactly match the genetic makeup and cell composition of the patient. For instance, body modification patients undergoing such procedures as breast enhancement would be fitted with cloned fat and connective tissues as opposed to such foreign materials as silicone implants (Smith, 2002). Likewise, people whose limbs and faces have been deformed through accidents can safely have them repaired through tissue and bone cloning. As a result, such negative consequences as immune diseases, infections, and rejection associated with introduction of foreign materials into the body during such procedures would be averted (Humber & Almeder, 2010). Therefore, adoption of human cloning would enable doctors to produce tissues and body organs required for reconstructive and body modification procedures, thereby enhancing recovery and the quality of life of the individuals. Thirdly, human cloning has also facilitated production of extremely vital stem cells for human beings. Cloning experiments and research using human embryos have proven that it is possible to grow embryonic stem cells critical in the production of body organs and tissues. As such, stem cells produced through cloning can be used in the treatment of numerous chronic illnesses and in the replacement of damaged body tissues and organs (Kilner, 2002). For instance, stem cells can be used to generate spine cells to treat tetraplegia, brain cells to treat brain damage, and skin cells to facilitate skin regeneration among burn victims. Stem cells will therefore help produce tissues that exactly match the genetic composition of the patient, thereby averting the risk of tissue rejection by the patient’s immune system. Similarly, cloning technologies will provide a lasting cure to such terminal illnesses as heart complications, diabetes, cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and degenerative joint illnesses. This can be achieved through replacement of infected or dysfunctional cells with healthy cells harvested from cloned embryonic stem cells (WVU, n.d). Thus, human cloning would be instrumental in curing chronic human ailments and in offering superior remedies to currently untreatable diseases. Additionally, human cloning technology can also help eliminate defective genes in the society. This can be achieved through reproduction of unaffected genes through nuclear transfer and ...
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