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The Theory of The Leisure Class Main Idea Analysis

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please summarize the main idea of these two essays.
And please find the similarities and differences of their ideas between these two author Adorno and Veblen

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Similarities and differences of theory of leisure class and Veblen's attack on culture
During the 20th century, significant improvement was witnessed during the industrial revolution, men and women who possessed unrestricted income engaged in wasteful consumption of goods and services. The desire for prestige and fame became a common practice instead of reality. The term conspicuous consumption was introduced by Thorstein Veblen to describe the behavior of the upper class and how they wastefully utilized their by displaying their social power and prestige (Ward, 1900).
In one of his writing the theory of leisure class, Thorstein Veblen describes the characteristics of the rich during the second industrial revolution. In his book, he criticizes the developments behind the emergence of the social, cultural and consumption practices which is attributed to one's social status and social standing focusing on the mannerism, impulse and superfluous activities of the upper class (Ward, 1900). Similar sentiments were expressed by Theodor Adorno a German sociologist known for his critics of the culture.
Adorno shared similar beliefs with Veblen; he believed that language is a political construct installed by the dominant classes. Even though Veblen’s theory of leisure class is famous for its idea of conspicuous consumption, Adorno believed that the theory did not explain the fullness of life (Adorno, Weber & Weber, 1967). Even though the element of Veblen sociology is applicable in modern times, Adorno believes that Veblen did not adequately describe the purpose of desire of his thought when describing the barbaric character of culture. This essay analyzes the work of two sociologists, Thorstein Veblen “theory of leisure class" and Theodor Adorno "Veblen's attack on culture” highlighting the similarities and the differences of their ideas.
The Theory of leisure class
Cultural evolution created the leisure class, hence the beginning of ownership. These two elements have resulted from the set of economic forces. In his book, the theory of the leisure class, Veblen criticizes the conspicuous consumption reflecting back by tracing economic behavior during the ancient time. He recounts that people were involved in less intensive labor and high-status individuals were hunters and were less economically productive (Ward, 1900).
A low-status individual engaged in more labor-intensive activities like cooking, farming. Rich people could afford the leisure hence were called leisure class. They lived a life of conspicuous leisure, protected, reproduced social status, and controlled by the tribe (Ward, 1900). However, in the modern industrial time leisure class are exempted from industrial labor but participated in intellectual or artistic activities (Ward, 1900). Labor-intensive activities did not mark high social status, but higher social status meant one was not performing such duties (Ward, 1900).
With industrialization, Veblen emphasizes that wealth gains are of importance because it gives a reputation and respect. The esteem, in this case, gives one the opportunity to gain distinction because it is a manifestation of superior forces. Therefore, the property is the easiest evidence of high class and success that can be distinguished from one's achievement (Ward, 1900). Possession of property becomes necessary for one to have a reputable standing in the community. According to conspicuous leisure theory, the leisure status needs to be expensive because it is a symbol meaning that one is above laboring (Ward, 1900).
Conspicuous consumption is visible in consumption a display of expensive items. The lower status groups strive to emulate the high-class practices, creating competition (Ward, 1900). Veblen argued that men exploit women through the concept of conspicuous consumption by the fact that conspicuous activities conducted by the female are meant to benefit the status of males (Ward, 1900). Veblen stated that the modern society emerged from a historically conditioned institution that separated people according to their relations with the economic production. A suggestion also expressed by Adorno. However, Veblen noted that leisure class is an institution that emerged and thrived from the barbaric culture until it reached maturity during the industrial revolution(Ward, 1900).
The leisure class owes their existence to those who labored in the production of goods that resulted in the creation of private property and ownership. Veblen believes that visible success based on goods become the end and forms the foundation for "utility as a basis of esteem" (Ward, 1900). Veblen differentiates between utility from industrial activity and utility derived from the financial display, which for him is the expression of total dominance.Veblen states that “conspicuous abstention from labor is the conventional mark of superior financial achievement and predictable key of reputability" (Ward, 1900).
For him, leisure is a non-productive waste of time for him a reputable person is a wasteful person. Conspicuous leisure is an ostentatious waste of time and human productive capacity and does not add value to those who consume it (Ward, 1900). For Veblen motives, underlying the conduct is emphasized than the formulated goals or the intentions. Veblen places more emphasis on the emulative motive stating that the motive is associated with ownership and emulation (Ward, 1900).
Veblen suggests that human action is guided by the intention that surpasses human understanding, this does not necessarily imply that the motive is not clear (Ward, 1900). Conspicuous consumption from his view is that action which arises from the motive of emulation, a situation that dates back during the ancient period that is part of human nature, emulation more than just a motive but an instinct (Ward, 1900).
Veblen's attack on culture
Similarly, Adorno criticizes culture, but from a different perspective, Adorno believed that Veblen viewed consumption as a display, hence do not adequately describe the objective impulses of his thought which are directed against the barbaric character of culture(Adorno, Weber & Weber, 1967). Adorno viewed realm of utility as nothing but residues of impartially outdated forms of greed, personal ambition and bad immediacy that originate from the need to prove one's position in the social hierarchy, increase social honor, and strengthen power over others (Adorno, Weber & Weber, 1967).
Like Veblen, Adorno agrees that Darwinism is still applicable where the life of human begins like other species who struggle to survive on ea...
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