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The Mistreatment of Women in a Particular University

Essay Instructions:

Part 1 - Exercise: Watch one of these two options:

1) Audrie and Daisy (available on Netflix).

2) The Hunting Ground (available on Netflix)

3) A selection of your choice - you must get approval from the course instructor for your selection.

4) Martin Shkreli - Pharma Bro ( Watch Two Links Below ) or Dirty Money Episode 3 - Drug Short (available on Netflix)

Martin Shkreli on Drug Price Hikes and Playing the World’s Villain (Links to an external site.)

Martin Shkreli on Drug Price Hikes and Playing the World’s Villain

'Pharma Bro' Martin Shkreli's smirk irks c... (Links to an external site.)

'Pharma Bro' Martin Shkreli's smirk irks c...

Part 2 - Brief: Each student will be responsible for finding a conceptual link from their chosen video (above) to any chapter or material presented in the text. This exercise is a bit different than the previous assignments, but this portion should be written in “brief” format. It must contain the following sections: 1) the source (cite the source using APA style – to the best of your ability if you’re using an alternate source); 2) what the main question(s)/point(s) is/are – and how it relates to your topic (a paragraph or two) and an overview of the findings and/or conclusions (probably a couple/few paragraphs). This part of your assignment should be no less than a page and a half and no more than two pages, double spaced.

Part 3 - Reflection: This is your opportunity to reflect and share your thoughts and opinions on your chosen topic. There is no right or wrong answer here - I would just like to provide you the opportunity to share any insight, thoughts, opinions, and questions, you might have. This section should be between three-quarters and one-page in length.

In all, the written portion of this assignment, which you will upload here, should be around three pages in length, double spaced. Please use 12pt Times New Roman font and standard 1" margins. Please note: efforts to make more look less or less look more will negatively impact your grade.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Mistreatment of Women in a Particular University
Many institutions are supporting this kind of campaign and implementing it for their students at the same time that people all across the world are fighting for gender equality. Having said that, the film "The Hunting Ground," which focuses on the mistreatment of women in a particular university, has been selected for this essay. Specific abuse refers to the sexual offenses committed against young women by male fraternity members. With that said, the issue of choice is sexual harassment on school grounds because those students who commit such heinous acts will graduate from that university and use them in their local communities.
As the film goes on, these two ladies continue to battle for their rights and those of all the local women in school. Either the university itself has ignored their rights, or they are subjected to various forms of processing in an effort to voice their concerns—which ultimately accomplishes little. The regulations only apply to people who support their organization, so the university itself is flawed and should not be tolerated CITATION T \l 1033 (Dick, 2015).
As this act of unfair treatment is against the law or the social standards that the majority of people are aware of, it can be related to the structure of deviant activities CITATION Bes96 \l 1033 (Besharov & Laumann, 1996). Sexual harassment is defined by the Ontario Human Rights Commission as any behavior that interferes with a person's ability to learn and undermines their self-respect while they are in school. This behavior can be classified as sexual harassment. Going against social standards is another definition of a deviant act, and as we all know, both stealing and mistreating women are considered deviant behaviors.
The fundamental issue with this collection of issues is why the institution tolerates such nefarious behavior while taking no action. This is closely related to how deviant acts are composed. This kind of behavior is clearly wrong in the text and goes against all societal rules. Additionally, it violates the law and is not permitted by it. Overall, we can see at the film's conclusion that despite having done their part, they still face many difficulties because their university is working against their rights. They have also submitted numerous petitions, but it doesn't appear like school administrators are giving them much weight.
Part 3 - Reflection
I believe it is clearly their fault that a particular university permitted such mistreatment of o...
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