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The Incident of Mass Casualty Annex

Essay Instructions:

After reading the Comprehensive Preparedness Guide, write a Mass Casualty Incident Specific Annex describing the response to a high amount of casualties during a disaster in Bobsville.
Your annex should:
Identify the departments and agencies designated to perform response and recovery activities and specifies tasks they must accomplish
Outline the integration of assistance that is available to local jurisdictions during disaster situations that generate emergency response and recovery needs beyond what the local jurisdiction can satisfy
Specify the direction, control, and communications procedures and systems that will be relied upon to alert, notify, recall, and dispatch emergency response personnel; warn the public; protect residents and property; and request aid/support from other jurisdictions and/or the Federal Government (including the role of the Governor's Authorized Representative)
Provide coordinating instructions and provisions for implementing Mutual Aid Agreements (MAAs)
Describes the logistical support for planned operations.
Write a minimum of 2 pages on the function and its contents. You may reference CPG101 Appendix C and other agencies documents as reference but you must write your Annex for Bobsville specifically. You will use this document in future classes and execute this plan so help yourself by being thorough.
Please create your response in a Microsoft word document, and upload as an attachment for submission. Pages are to be double-spaced utilizing Verdana 12 point font text and 1 inch margins. The page requirements are exclusive of your reference list and cover page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

CPG Guide
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
CPG Guide
The core purpose of the Annex is to lay the roles and responsibilities of the various agencies involved in the occurrence of a mass causality incident within Bobsville and the surrounding areas. The incident of mass casualty annex defines the policies, procedures, and elemental concepts regarding a provision of harmonized medical care response to incidents of mass casualty.
The Annex defines the policies, roles, operations concepts, capabilities, and responsibilities related to a reaction to mass casualty incidents in the Bobsville region.
Mass casualty incidents can occur unpredictably because of human or natural causal factors. The Bobsville region is susceptible to mass casualties, such as transportation difficulties, harsh weather conditions, and structural collapse.
Operation Concepts
The efficiency of medical response is based on mutual sharing of resources among healthcare providers, incident command structure, and emergency management support system. Response to mass casualty incidents involves a combination of various agencies, which employ different resources, capabilities, and facilities. The available local resources can effectively address the needs of residents following an occurrence of disaster (Femino et al., 2020). In a situation that local resources might not be sufficient to address the situation in the local region, the local incident command will seek assistance from state and federal agencies. However, such requests will have to comply with mutual aid agreements in the Emergency Operations Plan.
Responsibilities of Departments and Agencies
The various departments will have key responsibilities in addressing the underlying issue while expediting set objectives.
Federal Agencies


Center for Disease Control and Prevention

-Alerting the public about various types of threats
- Advise the citizens about the associated risks with the appropriate safeguarding measures.

State Agencies


Public health division

-Offer guidance, including the associated assistance with the healthcare system, the public, and healthcare systems involved in disaster response and recovery.

Division of emergency management

-Assist citizens, state officials, and residents in minimizing the impact of disaster events, especially for the incidents that supersede the local and regional capabilities associated with Bobsville.

Local Agencies
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