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The Importance of Disciplining Your Self

Essay Instructions:

I have a informative speech to give, and I want to give an informative speech about " the importance of disciplining your self " this speech should be reserch oriented , driven to the interest and benefit of the audience. Try to use very good organizing term , sign posts to make it easy for the audience to follow and make sure your topical organization term to write this essay. Here is the structure you should follow; 1, general purpose, which is to inform... 2, specific purpose , this should indicate what I exactly plan to accomplish in this speech , this should be written in full infinitive phrase( short and brief) it should refer to the audience and should sound like a statment rather a question 3, thesis. , Complete declarative sentence , Stating the three main ideas. 4, pre- view statment , this is the central idea written as a complete sentence , this should clearly encapsulate the main points to be discussed in the body of the speech. This should not be combined with the thesis Statment 5, three main points ,, with supporting details such as exanple, statics, testimony , using one of each supporting is required, atleast use one of each in one topic, but make sure to use them and don't forget citation or source. 6 , and finally brief conclusion. Finally an out line is required so please attach me an outline with 1, title 2, general purpose 3, specific purpose 4, thesis 5, pre view statment 6, main topics In addition: 1, please use an organizing term on the thesis and put it on the out line what is the word you have used. 2, please use main points , sub main points and sub sub main points to but be sure to use symbolization , capitalization and identification on the outline. Please the symbolization should include Roman numeral, Arabic fornt( 1,2) please take care. #3 please use connectives and transitions and when you use them please list what words you used for connective and transition , in other word the instructor wants list of connective and transionused in the speech to be listed in the outline. # please indicate the bibliography as well.... All in all in the outline I need organizing term, symbolization , indent ion, capitalization , double spaced connective and transition, bibliography , main points and sub main points, sub sub main points but this points should be symbolized and invention and capitalization Note be I need this essay by Monday morning October 3rd. And please take care plagiarism, my instructor is very serious about it. Everything should be written from scratch and should me cited if used a source.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Informative Speech: The Importance of Disciplining Your Self
* Title 
The importance of disciplining yourself
* General Purpose
Understanding the importance of self-discipline
* Specific Purpose
Understanding how self-discipline helps us in decision making, action, commitment and integrity.
* Thesis
The presentation focuses on discussing the importance of disciplining oneself by focusing on how self-discipline helps in areas such as decision/action, commitment and integrity.
* Preview Statement
Self-discipline is essential in all our undertaking
* Main Topics 
* List of connectives and transitions
Contrary, however, rather, not only, in contrast, in addition, as well as,
Preview Statement
There are several advantages associated with disciplining yourself.
Main Points
* Self-discipline helps us to make accurate decisions and take appropriate actions (Vaden, 2012).
* Self-discipline helps us to be committed to our work (Vaden, 2012).
* Self-discipline helps us to show integrity (Vaden, 2012).
Attention Getter: for a smoother survival and good interrelation, self-discipline is an essential skill that is very important for everyone. Moreover, the self-discipline skill is critical in every area of life.
* Contrary to what most people believe, self-discipline does not translate to being harsh to one self, or living a restricted and a limited lifestyle. Rather, self-discipline translates to self -control which enables one to control one’s actions and reactions.
* Self-discipline has also been considered as the inner -power that enables one to stick to one’s decisions and follow them through without changing mind. Self-discipline can therefore be looked at as key in achieving one’s set goals.
* Self-disciplined people are able to persevere with their plans and decisions until they accomplish them.
* It has been proved that self-discipline helps an individual to overcome procrastination, laziness as well as addiction (Sasson, 2015).
* Most people acknowledge the importance of self-discipline but very few people put effort to strengthen it.
* The presentation focuses on discussing the importance of disciplining oneself by focusing on how self-discipline helps in areas such as decision/action, commitment and integrity.
Decision Making and Taking Action
* When you have acquired self-discipline, you have the ability of being relentless about progressing in any eventuality while freeing yourself from the demands of perfection.
* When you are self-disciplined, you are able to make different decisions and take different actions.
* Self discipline not only enables...
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