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Review of the hospital film

Essay Instructions:
1.what would you define as the climax of the film? What scene(s) made up the resolution? did you find the resolution satisfying? 2. was there anything in the film that foreshadowed the decision of the protagonist dr. herbert block makes at the end of the film? 3. Dr. block is the protagonist of the film: what are his antagonist (external, personal and social)? 4. which aspect of setting was most important to the film? historical, geographical or physical? Why? 5. was the main character dynamic or static? falt or round? eloborate on each 6. how would you describe the tone for the subject matter? were there moments that the tone seem inappropriate for the events unfolding? 7. What would seem to be the theme of the work?
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Review of the hospital film
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Summary of film
The hospital is a 1971 film that was set in a relatively modern teaching hospital in Manhattan. The protagonist, Dr. Bock, is one of the instructors and also a doctor in this hospital. In the early stages of the film we get to see that things in his life are falling apart in his life. For one, he is separated from his wife, has been rejected by his children and he believes he is impotent. The teaching hospital he works for is also facing imminent crisis. Two doctors and a nurse die unexpectedly and the management of the hospital has to deal with the demands of inhabitants of the building which the hospital intends to demolish. These challenges drive him to have suicidal thoughts.
He gets a temporary relief when he falls in love with Barbara Drummond, his patient`s daughter. Later he finds out that the same patient is the person to blame for the hospital`s woes. Barbara smuggles her father to JFK airport after colluding with Dr. Bock to cover up the patient`s tracks at the hospital through the ‘accidental death` of one of the physicians in the hospital. The patient`s motivation for his heinous acts was what he termed as retribution for the cruelty of modern medical practices. The movie ends with Dr. Bock trying to rectify the chaotic situation in the hospital.
Analysis of film
The climax of this film takes place when Dr. Bock discovers that his patient who also happens to be his lover`s father is the one responsible for the mishaps that have led to the deaths in the hospital.
Resolution and climax of film
The resolution of this film occurs when his ...
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