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The Consequences of War Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

According to the requirements of the topic, you can't be biased. You should also quote the original text in the article. You must mark the first few faces. At the beginning of the article, the thesis statement of the two articles should be listed around the question and the shesis statement. After quoting the original text, it is necessary to explain what the words in the original text are related to the written essay, and need to explain and understand. The questions below give you no answers, you can choose a few answers. But how can wars change people most significant -both individually an collectively? This question is to be answered and explained. In short, I have to connect two articles.

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The Consequences of War
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The Consequences of War
Although most analysts focus on explaining the causes of militarized disputes and wars, there is a need to pay attention to the impact or consequences of disputes and wars. Wars and disputes have in the past affected the manner in which the world works, and they have both short and long-term consequences. While soldiers or people actively participating in war encounter different experiences from the civilians, both parties suffer during a war. Women and children are the most vulnerable groups. Women are prone to rape and abuse, whereas children are more vulnerable as far as dangerous epidemics such as cholera are concerned. Consequently, there are more women and child fatalities during a war than men. Further, conflicts cause widespread trauma by causing psychological and emotional stress to the affected individuals. War poses various implications for the individuals involved and those affected, leading to a complete overhaul of their livelihoods and future.
Both the civil and military wars have a drastic impact on the economy. Usually, unintended negative repercussions occur during the war or develop as residual consequences later, thereby hampering the economy of a particular country for a long time. In a war-torn country, daily activities of the community or a country are interrupted, and property may be destroyed. In instances where people are afraid of their lives or misplaced, they do not go to work, and businesses remain closed, leading to damages to the economy of the involved nations. Further, the government may use the money to fund wars, thus abandoning other important sectors that contribute to economic growth.
The destruction of infrastructure is another dire consequence of war, whereby roads, social amenities such as schools, hospitals among others, are damaged either by bombing, burning or physical demolition. Such destruction leaves people in danger of health issues and disruption of education systems. For instance, in Syria, there are some parts where learning is impossible due to the ongoing war. When a system is disrupted, it can seriously affect other systems. For instance, when a transportation system is destroyed, it can severely affect the economy of the country or even the education system. Also, an inadequate labor force is a negative consequence of war that results from a large number of fatalities. When a large part of the population is wiped out by war, the labor force will remarkably reduce, and this could have a negative effect on the economy of a country. From the information above, it is clear that war has a drastic effect on the economy of affected countries. A country with a weak economy cannot cater to various needs of its citizen. People living in such countries cannot access better healthcare services, education, and other social amenities. At the individual level, a person may witness brutal killings of their relatives, friends or neighbors and such an encounter may linger in their minds for several years. Also, a person may be attacked and sustain some serious injuries, and in the process, they can spend huge amounts of money on treatment. Therefore, it is advisable for the government to address issues that cause conflicts early to prevent the eruption of wars. Some of the issues that need to be addressed to curb wars include ethnic tensions, poor leadership, and terrorist activities.
During wars, people are displaced or forced to migrate, and this may hurt both the individual and the community. When a war erupts, people flee their homes in fear of being killed or losing their family members and consequently, they become displaced either externally or internally. In some foreign countries, individuals may not receive refugee rights and are not entitled to protection under international law. Moving from one’s country to seek refuge is in a foreign country is a highly stressful situation to the affected individual, further showing drastic consequenc...
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